Beginner with a few questions.

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moonbinas avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

Hi all,

I picked up X3TC in a humble bundle, and it looks to be a great game. But a vast game, which is scaring me a bit! I've looked through this subreddit for guides and hints, and the sheer number of acronyms and detail is crazy. Well, for a noob anyway Speed Test .

A few questions:

I'm a trader, I have my Mercury, and so far I've just been exploring and buying/selling. I have 200k. Where should I go next? I've read about automated trading, buying a combat ship, an eventual factory/mine, mining etc. I tried mining but it seemed to be clumsy and take a lot of time.

Automated trading - apparently I need mk3 trading software for 500k. But after that, how automated is it? Can I equip it to a ship, and just set it on it's way? Tell it to buy and sell completely automatically, or do I still need to micromanage at every step of the way?

I see there are lots of mods available for the game - should I just stick with vanilla X3TC before perhaps playing with others?

They are the three main questions I have at the moment, which should help me progress a little. Thanks!


Blackmarch avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 11 months ago.

I'm assuming vanilla game with no scripts or mods added.
you will have various options, the fully automated trading functions are by choosing "sector trader" once a pilot/ship has done enough of that to level a bit, you can then choose "universe trader" for basically the same thing but on a larger scale.

otherwise to automate trading you'll have to get into making factories and assigning a ship to them and then tell that ship to buy or sell X ware. you can also tell a ship to do a manual trade run indefinitely by telling to buy ware x at y location and sell it at z location.

you will also have a bunch of one time options that are similar.

think you also need the other trade techs installed on the ship as well.

if you started the humble merchant beginning, a really easy way to make money right off by trade is to switch to your discoverer and then send your mercury to herrons nebula (which you should start in or start right next door to) which should have a couple of argon distilleries. remotely purchase space fuel at the distillery and have your ship go and sell it at the trading station in the sector. it's not a fast process due to the trading station has a limit of how much whiskey it can hold and only gets rid of it over time.... but it is constant and brings in a pretty good income for you when you start out. the important thing to remember is not to be in the same sector as your ship running space fuel as it is illegal (for some reason sector police seems to leave it alone when you aren't in sector).

if you want a mining run down, that's probably worth a seperate post altogether.


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