What kind of planet landing you would like to see? Like in Frontier: Elite II, Star Citizen or No Man's Sky?
Well I was kind-of suggesting something new in the engine... ie. something the older engine couldnt do. Myself I would of liked to seen planet-landing, allowing you land on a pad (Like Elite II/FirstENC). This would give players a way of looking at home-worlds. Wouldnt been great to visit Kingdom's End? or Seizewell for example?
You need to take a good look at post-v2.0, Roguey A helluva lot of stuff has been fixed since then!
Maybe it has, but I havnt been following XR at all. Ive dived in for 5-10mins here and there, but nothing major. However over the year and half I was following it, I saw barely any progress.
X3 version of generic ships with only a slightly different appearance & suffix (eg, say, tankers
True, it did seem a bit too generic, ships became about stats changes. Im still a believer that cargo would be shipped in a container (like ship containers nowadays). So you dont need a television boat to transport televisions, just a large cargo-ship. I know ships are designed for certain purposes, like pleasure, cargo, military, scout etc. I feel that makes more sense than design a ship for each type of ware.
No need to keep on unlocking trades: with the trade computer s/w upgrade all trades are unlocked as soon as you approach a station. Smalltalk (or with v3.0 now, do a mission) & get trade offer updates for that station permanently
Its good that its changed, but in a way improves it was completely wrong. I still hate the idea of unlocking trade opportunities but atleast its permanent. It still doesnt fix how trade is handled, forcing the player to micromanage rather than actually fly there.
- Why is station building so confusing and unworthy?
'Unworthy'? However, it's less confusing than X3's 'Plex system, & slightly more logical IMO.
Well when I tried to build a station, the ship just sat there without telling why it wouldnt start building. After building, it wasnt very clear what was its purpose. So after clicking some more items, I gave up on it. So maybe I should of gave it more of a chance, but with all the bugs it was hard to know what was going on. There were other ways of earning money faster and easier.
'mass weapons'? D'you mean railguns or mass drivers? Capship beam weapons are now working, even against fighters (although they're not much use as PD weps they /are/ being used, occasionally even effectively)
The large wow weapons, ie. wow look at that. Most the capitals fire bullet projectiles, which arent that interesting or tactical. Its just for me, a capital battle didnt look or feel interesting, just another ship albeit with more guns. Usually when a capital enters a battle the whole dynamics of the battle change. With the Skunk all I had to do is find a bind-spot and just shot-away.
Interiors &c. are the product of the art dept (all one of him!), which always takes an age on any game.. but there are some new interiors in the TO DLC; prolly more to follow when the art dept has the time
Well maybe they should of hired more people. There is only like 3 or 4 interiors that repeat over and over. Not even any textures, sounds or music are changed, to give a different feel to each. I know swapping textures etc. isnt major, but atleast it would give some variation... heck, cant different bars have different music playing?!? During the 6 months before release, and the year after I might has seen 1 or 2 added (at most).. im not even sure if they added any to be honest.
- Silly mini-games which should of skipped, if another person tells me about Xenon AI ill shot them
Agreed! But at least they have a purpose now:
Well it sounds like ego just looked at the reward. Small-talk needed like 50-100 different conversions, which could of been relevant to the current activities, rather just pick one from a range or 4 or 5. With such narrow options, it could of been removed.
It replaces the old 'tube' mechanism of X3's 'Plexes.
Well I always thought the tube was a conveyor belt, rather than small ships. Are those ships supposed to be controlled by AI or NPC's? if NPC's, why does it look so inhuman? All the extra over-heads for them arent really worthwhile. 100's of ships for AI to fly, with all that collision detection to check.
- Why is the universe so small? 4 clusters? why couldnt it been 100?
It's being expanded, slowly.
Around a year for one cluster? I know youre say.. but its filled with life etc... however isnt there a big lack on empty areas? Say you want to build an empire in a empty part of space. Space is supposed to be rather big, and the current gate system has limited space to only a handful of areas. The whole design of the game has kind-of made space feel small.
- and lastly, what is the goal? earn money? for what?
Hey, now you're being unfair! - you could ask exactly the same question of X3 or any other open-ended sandbox game (or any other game, full stop)
I think for me the game was so broken and bugged that there wasnt much to do. Enemy ships either didnt fight back, or was no match for me, money became worthless once your ship was upgraded, station building didnt offer much (especially if you had enough money), unsigned files (so easy to add 10 zero's to your bank-account), underwhelming capital battles, no-where to call my own (to start your own empire), a lack of tactics etc. Easy/med/hard dont cut it for me; usually developers are lazy and simply change a few numbers.
I'm sorry for the way Ego treated you, but it looks like at least the first 6+ months after the release debacle has been a wake-up call to a lot of the staff
Hopefully, but I feel the game could of done with a rebuild. With all the experience ego had, why did so many parts of the game need to redone? and still need major work? when a game is designed, you make sure its correct at the very start. Ego kind-of admitted this but redoing the highways - who ever thought that scaring at the back-end of a ship would of been a good design? Its not like ego really got much of an excuse (with all previous x-experience in the past).
Maybe ego might make it into an okay game after hell-of-alot of changes. Patches and DLC's may win over the public - as they can be fickle. But those loyal fans who arent, we expected more from them.