X Rebirth 3.0

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Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Its good egosoft are still working on the title - seeing all them fixes, but still they dont fix the broken core;

- Why cant ships have a generic cargo bay, that hold wares? instead of prefix cargo-bays?
- and lastly, what is the goal? earn money? for what?

Although I gave-up telling egosoft a long-time ago. Clearly XR is what they want, not like someone like me wants. I know egosft arent gamers, as they clearly told me a few times. Maybe they should of had some during the development and listened to them! If you enjoy XR and disagree with my feelings above, great for you; at-least you are enjoy it.
- Roguey

I agree some of the points in the list but many of them applies to earlier X games and other space games in general; earlier and upcoming. To be fair one could do that kind of list about any game and make them sounds more bad that they really are.

Many listed problems seems to be related to balancing, optimization, etc. Graphics could be better but they were not very good in earlier X games either but I think they were good enough for those kind of games. In the other hand unfortunately XR has many design choices I don't like (a matter of taste) but I will wait and see if they will keep them in upcoming releases before making further conclusions.

If planet landings would be just like any other stations in space I wouldn't find them very interesting. Since they have FPS-mode in their engine now it would give them change to do planet landing in future. Personally I think FPS-mode could still have a place in game if they are going find it a better use. But that is something we will know at some later point when upcoming X releases are out.

What kind of planet landing you would like to see? Like in Frontier: Elite II, Star Citizen or No Man's Sky?

I'm not sure if it is good or bad if they are not gamers these days Wink. Most popular games seems to be simple straightforward action packed console games, unfortunately on PC as well; Shadow of Mordor, Skyrim, Tomb Raider, Mass Effects, etc. Of course those games sell millions so no wonder more niche developers are interested to get a small slice. Fortunately Kickstarter and Early Access has started to revive PC games again.


snafuR avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

You need to take a good look at post-v2.0, Roguey Smile A helluva lot of stuff has been fixed since then!

- Why cant ships have a generic cargo bay, that hold wares? instead of prefix cargo-bays?
It's been done in (say) the Titurel, but personally I prefer the diversity of certain cargo types preferring to have a specific ship to carry them. I never particularly liked the X3 version of generic ships with only a slightly different appearance & suffix (eg, say, tankers) that could still be used to haul any type of ware. What was the point?
- Why isnt trade much simper, stick item in bay, take somewhere then sell it? unlocking trade-offer is just bad!
No need to keep on unlocking trades: with the trade computer s/w upgrade all trades are unlocked as soon as you approach a station. Smalltalk (or with v3.0 now, do a mission) & get trade offer updates for that station permanently
- Why is station building so confusing and unworthy?
'Unworthy'? However, it's less confusing than X3's 'Plex system, & slightly more logical IMO. In X3's system you could 'plex together any station you liked with any other (want an ore mine producing bofu and ecells? You can do that..); with the XR system you can build fabs that produce multiple wares, some of them intermediaries, but you are limited to that 'logical chain' within the one fab; anything not produced there has to come from elsewhere whether that be an in-zone (or sector, or cluster) PC or NPC fab, or from one of the galaxy-trading courier ships
- Why wasnt there any mass-weapons on capitals? like giant beam lasers rather than spam weapons?
'mass weapons'? D'you mean railguns or mass drivers? Capship beam weapons are now working, even against fighters (although they're not much use as PD weps they /are/ being used, occasionally even effectively)
- How come nothing has been improved on platforms? ugly NPC's and no more interiors.
Interiors &c. are the product of the art dept (all one of him!), which always takes an age on any game.. but there are some new interiors in the TO DLC; prolly more to follow when the art dept has the time Smile
- Why is every NPC an old granny? cant we have some young people?
We have now, & have had for a long time Smile
- Silly mini-games which should of skipped, if another person tells me about Xenon AI ill shot them
Agreed! Smile But at least they have a purpose now: along with crafting they give training for your officers, bigger discounts, etc plus rep adjustments (always). They also appear to be more 'intelligent': it's not simply a random reward if you win/lose, but /how well or badly/ you won or lost (to be confirmed). I still don't like them though Smile
- What is the point of mass-traffic? just to cause lower FPS?
It replaces the old 'tube' mechanism of X3's 'Plexes. It looks better, it's less (even less, now) of a FPS-hog, & it works between NPC & PC stations too!
- What happened to fleet management?
Oh I /so/ agree! One of the things X:R v3 still needs desperately is a decent fleet management system! Although minor sections have been improved it's still sorely lacking Cry
- [..] Last time I checked you could fly through planets,
No more! (I think - haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure this was fixed along with the flying inside capships/stations bug)
- Why is the universe so small? 4 clusters? why couldnt it been 100?
It's being expanded, slowly. The TO DLC adds another; presumably there will be more as the Boron & Paranid are reintroduced..
- Why do capitals have no shields?
Fixed. All capships now have main + point shields whether it's a trader or a combat ship
- Why are the Xenon so weak? I can fly around a Xenon area and not get attacked.
I haven't been to Xenon areas in 3.0b7 yet, but a great deal of the combat/boarding side of things has been considerably reworked..
- Why wasnt there a lot more community interaction? they have some great ideas!
Not sure about the ideas area; it's possibly to do with the legal side of things, but there /is/ more community interaction between devs & the board now: linofett (the art dept) is a fairly frequent (for a dev) poster & answers tech/gameplay issues as best he can; CBJ pops in every so often and now confirms/clarifies some areas of game mechanics, even if it's just speculation.. there are a few others whove raised their heads in the forums to comment & actively participate in threads for reasons /other/ than to close them down! Smile
- and lastly, what is the goal? earn money? for what?
Hey, now you're being unfair! - you could ask exactly the same question of X3 or any other open-ended sandbox game (or any other game, full stop) Smile

In addition there's now radar, with different modes depending upon what you want from it; an improved map (both now semi-interactive, presumably a work in progress); an improved trade mechanism & AI (the latter another WiP but at least your stations' managers will now autonomously sell stuff) with adjustable pricing & blacklists by faction; easter eggs that actually /do/ something for the playership; vastly improved AI, both PC & hostile NPCs (another WiP); vastly improved boarding mechanics (along with better target defense scripts/AI it's no longer an 'I win, easy money' situation; the marines can level up after successful boarding, at a horrible attrition rate - following Yisha's advice can make a serious difference to the latter); 'danger zones' that damage the Skunk if not navigated carefully (along with an autopilot that actually works to /avoid/ those areas); droppable nav beacons (currently visual only); different cockpit layouts & menu interaction with a sidebar & more hotkeys; external camera views; 'look around' FP view in the cockpit.. and more Smile

I'm sure you'll still have your wishlist (mine starts with decent fleet management, separation of the 'squad' into trade & combat, & a fully interactive radar & map GUI), but things are heading in the right direction finally. IMO v3 is what v1 should have been - there are still bugs & there are still annoying menu problems, but it's looking like something playable for fun now, rather than the tedious bugfest it was in v1.x (unplayable) & 2.x (playable but with a lot of problems, even post-2.5)

I'm sorry for the way Ego treated you, but it looks like at least the first 6+ months after the release debacle has been a wake-up call to a lot of the staff (& possibly to senior management too), & attitudes towards the fanbase appear to be changing a lot for the better, with more feedback & interaction on the forums than there ever was with previous X-games (that I've seen, anyway)


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

What kind of planet landing you would like to see? Like in Frontier: Elite II, Star Citizen or No Man's Sky?

Well I was kind-of suggesting something new in the engine... ie. something the older engine couldnt do. Myself I would of liked to seen planet-landing, allowing you land on a pad (Like Elite II/FirstENC). This would give players a way of looking at home-worlds. Wouldnt been great to visit Kingdom's End? or Seizewell for example?

You need to take a good look at post-v2.0, Roguey A helluva lot of stuff has been fixed since then!

Maybe it has, but I havnt been following XR at all. Ive dived in for 5-10mins here and there, but nothing major. However over the year and half I was following it, I saw barely any progress.

X3 version of generic ships with only a slightly different appearance & suffix (eg, say, tankers

True, it did seem a bit too generic, ships became about stats changes. Im still a believer that cargo would be shipped in a container (like ship containers nowadays). So you dont need a television boat to transport televisions, just a large cargo-ship. I know ships are designed for certain purposes, like pleasure, cargo, military, scout etc. I feel that makes more sense than design a ship for each type of ware.

No need to keep on unlocking trades: with the trade computer s/w upgrade all trades are unlocked as soon as you approach a station. Smalltalk (or with v3.0 now, do a mission) & get trade offer updates for that station permanently

Its good that its changed, but in a way improves it was completely wrong. I still hate the idea of unlocking trade opportunities but atleast its permanent. It still doesnt fix how trade is handled, forcing the player to micromanage rather than actually fly there.

- Why is station building so confusing and unworthy?
'Unworthy'? However, it's less confusing than X3's 'Plex system, & slightly more logical IMO.

Well when I tried to build a station, the ship just sat there without telling why it wouldnt start building. After building, it wasnt very clear what was its purpose. So after clicking some more items, I gave up on it. So maybe I should of gave it more of a chance, but with all the bugs it was hard to know what was going on. There were other ways of earning money faster and easier.

'mass weapons'? D'you mean railguns or mass drivers? Capship beam weapons are now working, even against fighters (although they're not much use as PD weps they /are/ being used, occasionally even effectively)

The large wow weapons, ie. wow look at that. Most the capitals fire bullet projectiles, which arent that interesting or tactical. Its just for me, a capital battle didnt look or feel interesting, just another ship albeit with more guns. Usually when a capital enters a battle the whole dynamics of the battle change. With the Skunk all I had to do is find a bind-spot and just shot-away.

Interiors &c. are the product of the art dept (all one of him!), which always takes an age on any game.. but there are some new interiors in the TO DLC; prolly more to follow when the art dept has the time

Well maybe they should of hired more people. There is only like 3 or 4 interiors that repeat over and over. Not even any textures, sounds or music are changed, to give a different feel to each. I know swapping textures etc. isnt major, but atleast it would give some variation... heck, cant different bars have different music playing?!? During the 6 months before release, and the year after I might has seen 1 or 2 added (at most).. im not even sure if they added any to be honest.

- Silly mini-games which should of skipped, if another person tells me about Xenon AI ill shot them
Agreed! But at least they have a purpose now:

Well it sounds like ego just looked at the reward. Small-talk needed like 50-100 different conversions, which could of been relevant to the current activities, rather just pick one from a range or 4 or 5. With such narrow options, it could of been removed.

It replaces the old 'tube' mechanism of X3's 'Plexes.

Well I always thought the tube was a conveyor belt, rather than small ships. Are those ships supposed to be controlled by AI or NPC's? if NPC's, why does it look so inhuman? All the extra over-heads for them arent really worthwhile. 100's of ships for AI to fly, with all that collision detection to check.

- Why is the universe so small? 4 clusters? why couldnt it been 100?
It's being expanded, slowly.

Around a year for one cluster? I know youre say.. but its filled with life etc... however isnt there a big lack on empty areas? Say you want to build an empire in a empty part of space. Space is supposed to be rather big, and the current gate system has limited space to only a handful of areas. The whole design of the game has kind-of made space feel small.

- and lastly, what is the goal? earn money? for what?
Hey, now you're being unfair! - you could ask exactly the same question of X3 or any other open-ended sandbox game (or any other game, full stop)

I think for me the game was so broken and bugged that there wasnt much to do. Enemy ships either didnt fight back, or was no match for me, money became worthless once your ship was upgraded, station building didnt offer much (especially if you had enough money), unsigned files (so easy to add 10 zero's to your bank-account), underwhelming capital battles, no-where to call my own (to start your own empire), a lack of tactics etc. Easy/med/hard dont cut it for me; usually developers are lazy and simply change a few numbers.

I'm sorry for the way Ego treated you, but it looks like at least the first 6+ months after the release debacle has been a wake-up call to a lot of the staff

Hopefully, but I feel the game could of done with a rebuild. With all the experience ego had, why did so many parts of the game need to redone? and still need major work? when a game is designed, you make sure its correct at the very start. Ego kind-of admitted this but redoing the highways - who ever thought that scaring at the back-end of a ship would of been a good design? Its not like ego really got much of an excuse (with all previous x-experience in the past).

Maybe ego might make it into an okay game after hell-of-alot of changes. Patches and DLC's may win over the public - as they can be fickle. But those loyal fans who arent, we expected more from them.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Well I was kind-of suggesting something new in the engine... ie. something the older engine couldnt do. Myself I would of liked to seen planet-landing, allowing you land on a pad (Like Elite II/FirstENC). This would give players a way of looking at home-worlds. Wouldnt been great to visit Kingdom's End? or Seizewell for example?

- Roguey

It would be nice to have planet-landing but I don't think Elite kind of planet-landing would be interesting. XR engine can do much more than that already and having something like Star Citizen would be nice; walk around the station, talk with NPCs, get missions, learn lore, etc. It would require lots of work so I don't expect that happening anytime soon - but I hope it will happen at some point.


AlexanderSziller avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 10 years ago.

Amount of grannies was drastically reduced in 2.00

There are universal transporters since 2.00.

I find trading much simplier and more fluid than in previous games. Less hit & miss.

I also find Skunk very powerful, but seems like the community doesn't. Roguey, you wouldn't believe how many people complain about difficulty after 2.50 update.

Building - my hobby. I really like it in Rebirth, it's done greatly.

Mass weapons - JET turrets pretty much do the work... Most of large ships have JET turets which are basically railguns. Quite a lot of damage, extreme accuracy.

The only useless drone IMO is the assassin drone (the player-controlled pew-pew drone).
Otherwise, the AI does good job controlling the others, and they also added a RECALL command in 3.0 which I requested.
Also, the utility drones (hack, scan, sabotage) are fun to use.

There are 8 types of interiors in vanilla game, most of them however keep the same architectural style so they look similar.
But I don't care, there are better things to do for Egosoft. Interiors are routine for me.

Iam happy that Skunk does not have a jumpdrive - gives me a real travelling feel.
Or I can simply hop on-board a capship and hitch a ride.
Easy-peasy seriously. No kidding.

Minigames are fine.
The smalltalk and hack are the only minigames in the game actually.
Hacking is fine, I cannot think of a more suitable way of hacking in a computer game. Smalltalk is quick & simple, I don't really care about that minigame.

MassTraffic transports wares between stations.
I had a H20 Addictives fab and Energy Array in the same zone - both of them are completly self-sustaining, because masstraffic handles transportation of e-cells to the H20 Addictives fab.
It could be invisible though - my comp is from the toaster ages, and more performance is always needed.

Xenons are not weak - play 3.0 for a little bit more. They are everywhere, I swear to god. Those Ks block some of the most important trade routes in Albion, quite hard to get rid of.

You do effect lots of things.
Takes loads of hours to notice however.
I once blocked a PMC Construction shop in albion for a few hours with a Fulmekron, then completly destroyed it.
Then, I searched around whole albion for a few hours, haven't found a SINGLE transportership carrying any metal.
Normally I find a few of them per hour.

There are many things that affect the world, other Rebirth player once requested me to help him with a problem:
A plutarch shipyard in Albion was under siege of three xenon destroyers, and got completly wasted and then was blocked until the player got rid of the destroyers.

Also, rewards for missions are now greater. No more 20k credits for killing a capship.


AlexanderSziller avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 10 years ago.

About teladi outpost:

There are two sectors:
1. contains 8 zones, there are NO highways, you have to travel the hard way (very enjoyable)
there are dangerous regions, large nebulas with blizzards and radiation that damage your ship - stylish.
You can find lots of large containers that carry useful stuff that can be used for crafting here.
There are some landmarks to find... Which means, exploration enjoyement for a few hours.

2. contains 6 zones, and is a little bit calm.
There's a xenon base, and a few Teladi factories.
And of course, pirate hideouts.

There are some new artifacts to craft:
khaak relic (some new engines to choose from)
ancient relic (some new engines to choose from)
rare engine (some new engines to choose from)
spacefly relic (new weapon)

There are also new weapons.
So far there are only two available in the closed beta, but I know that they are working on more.
Heavy laser - a railgun, capable of penetrating shield and doing direct hull damage.
Pulsed Maser Mk3 - fires very weak projectiles, which however stick to enemy ship, and do small amount of damage over time. Fun to play with, useless against capships.

Best part of DLC (imo) is piracy.
There are two new factions: Urugas Armaments and Cartel.
Both of them have their own stations and outposts.
Those offer missions, crew to hire, vendors to trade with.
=Finally, I can play as a real pirate.
I mean, finally Iam not the only pirate in the universe... Even if the rest of universe hates me, I can still interact with pirates and fully enjoy the game.
Previously, if I was enemy to whole universe, I couldn't get crew, I couldn't trade, I couldn't get jobs... Which is different now.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

Well unfortunately leaving the x-community meant that I was no longer following the series, so I dont really know the changes/problems any-more. I followed up-to v2 roughly after that I just had a quick look now and again.

Those JET turrets look a little underwhelming to be honest - maybe I was just expecting a bit more?

as for drones, im not really much of a fan unless they are AI controlled. I kind-of feel some of them act as mini-games.

Did they fix the problem of capital ship refuelling? If I remember correctly it was near impossible to refuel them, as there were only like 2 stations in the whole universe. So they ended up taking ages to jump via generator.

It does sound like there has been quite a few changes since I last looked at XR.


AlexanderSziller avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 10 years ago.

Interaction between AI ships and stations is overall faster.
I think they changed it in 2.50 (?), since then the ships are quite swift.

They also added more refuelling stations to the universe in 3.0, and the Cell-recharge fabs themselves have more refuelling docks now (I think there are four at each station? just guessing).

Most important, they added an option for captain's profile menu, which can be turned ON, and the captain will automatically refuel his ship when he drops under certain amount. Very useful.
Also, there's a "REFUEL" command at captain conversation commands... It makes the ship fly to nearest refuelling station, and refuel.

There are a few bugs in the 3.0 beta with the new refuelling docks (I assume, from seeing a few bug reports on the beta forum), but that's being worked on.

+There is possibility to exchange wares between ships in 3.0. Only tried it myself briefly, but I think that you can exchange fuel between ships too. Also you can exchange drones.
And same applies to stations, you can exchange wares and drones between stations.

Did I mention virtual seminars?
You can get some of them for completing the "hard" level of smalltalk (which triggers after giving a gift to the NPC, those gifts can be crafted from various items). The seminar can be given directly to your employee, and it will increase one of his skills (you can use more seminars to create an employee with 5* in everything).

Will play more once 3.0 and TO DLC are released officially... Only did neccessary testing (they sent me the DLC betatest key, so in return I tried to test everything the DLC offered, at that moment, but no serious gameplay).
Don't feel like betatesting, I want a fresh new game, roleplaying as a pirate/smuggler. Got too much work anyway (X:BtF).


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

3.0 RC1

• Added ability to hack shield generators resulting in shields being drained immediately.
• Added boarding resistance display to ship info menu.
• Added estimated total price per build stage to station build cost in encyclopedia.
• Removed Attack action from asteroids (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Improved engineer repair behaviour allowing higher-skilled engineers to repair to a higher level.
• Improved balancing of station component prices to better reflect their contribution to profitability.
• Improved balancing of chance for NPC pilots to bail out when attacked.
• Improved default follow flight behaviour for player owned ships.
• Improved 'Fly to my Current Position' flight behaviour.
• Improved feedback from player-owned ships when under attack.
• Improved audio feedback for hacking gameplay.
• Fixed PageUp/PageDown cycling through surface elements (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed Shift-F targeting surface elements instead of ships for distant large ships (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed Shift-F not targeting some surface elements on very large stations (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed multiple cases where interact menu did not show certain actions if an object changed ownership (e.g. when the player claimed/boarded/sold a ship).
• Fixed price being included in notification for successful ware exchange (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed several issues with build locations in Empty Space (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed various issues with employee training using virtual seminars (improves feature introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed gates to Teladi space not being active under certain circumstances with DLC installed (problem introduced in 3.0).
• Fixed Smart Defence button being available even if you had no drones.
• Fixed victims of attacks being excessively tolerant when the player is not present.
• Fixed rare issue with displaying hull values in the drone HUD.
• Fixed drone hacking of ships.
• Fixed several more causes of crashes and UI freezes, and improved crash reporting.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

X Rebirth 3.0 and The Teladi Outpost DLC are here!


X Rebirth 3.0 Features explained:


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

hehe, always funny seeing Bernd getting involved with the videos now. Well, if the past is anything to go on, then v3.0 will be the last patch for XR. I guess it looks a lot better than its launch, shame it took them well over a year.

However I wonder how much attention it will receive with Elite: Dangerous coming out around the same time. I guess the first couple of days at-least - bound to be a few server issues.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

It is very interesting to see how things are going to evolve in future.

Hopefully both E:D and XR will get lots of attention and people are going to give XR a new change. It is a positive problem that there are so many good games to play these days Smile.

I'm going to wait E:D Linux version before buying. Interesting to see if consoles are going to have a port before it. OSX gets its version in 3 months at least according to original schedule. Next week Crusader Kings 2 is going to get RPG extension which most likely is going to eat my time.

Great that Bernd is still making videos and didn't let Internet rage let him down. Unfortunately there has been lots of low-level attacks against Egosoft and him personally.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

It seems they have didn't stop yet.

Version 3.10 RC1 (189978)

• Fixed problem with mission chains where no reward being given would result in the entire chain being failed.
• Fixed hacking mission with fewer than 6 target points being impossible to complete.
• Fixed player-owned ships in Teladi game start having no actions running.
• Fixed excessively long timeout for stuck ware exchanges (further fixes to prevent it happening to come in a future update).
• Fixed cockpit walk-in animation not stopping when quitting a cutscene early.
• Fixed cockpit placement on Omicron Trade ship obstructing a shieldgenerator.
• Fixed unreachable crate on ship platform.
• Fixed floating adsign on Omicron station.
• Fixed hull value of Albatross XL (Liquid).
• Fixed some more causes of potential crashes and improved crash reporting.

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