Free X games weekend on Steam coming up

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Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 9 years ago.

I think they work with the community very well. They are very active in the forums and support is excellent. It is really easy to talk with Egosoft's developers and they keep improving their tools to make communication even easier.

- edqe

That is news to me. Devs rarely post and when they do it is extremely rare they ever respond again. For example when testing X3:AP 2.0 the bug reports were for the most part ignored and I gave up trying to help as it is pointless to do so. In the current patch thread a Dev posted twice. However Xenon_Slayer (now that I think about it, it may not be him but a moderator instead) is one of the more active guys on the team and even shows up here sometimes. Other than him you would have more luck getting a brick to sing a song than get a dev to say anything.

ed: I did a bit of digging and it is actually X2-Illuminatus who sometimes post here. He is a moderator on the Egosoft forums. Keep in mind that the mods are not Egosoft employees and are not paid for their work (I have been told this many times lol. I PM them sometimes and they make it a point to tell me that).


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 9 years ago.

Keep in mind that the mods are not Egosoft employees and are not paid for their work (I have been told this many times lol. I PM them sometimes and they make it a point to tell me that).
- Sinxar

Some moderators seems to be quite active (in a good way Wink). I think developers like CBJ, timon and linolafett has been active there.

Maybe we have different requirements for "being active" Smile. I have been able to discuss with the Egosoft developers (PM) more than other game companies combined so maybe that has gave me "active" feeling. Additionally to that Egosoft developers has been very open to discuss about tools and ways they work, which has been nice.

I'm software developer myself so I guess that helps me to have a bit higher tolerance level. Sometimes it sounds to me that players has not always a good picture how much effort simple sounding things requires; games are made in year or two and lots of bugs are fixed in a day Smile


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

That is news to me. Devs rarely post and when they do it is extremely rare they ever respond again.
- Sinxar

Same thing happened to me with XR. Like you, in the end I gave-up posting bug-reports, thoughts etc. Much / if not all felt like it landed on deaf ears. However CBJ was a great person, always answering my questions and being friendly. Although CBJ is one person, who gets very busy.

I did a bit of digging and it is actually X2-Illuminatus who sometimes post here.
- Sinxar

They used too, but the main reason being that hosted a forum board to help them with v3.0 of X3AP. As it was a community effort and they needed some place to discuss things.

I have been able to discuss with the Egosoft developers (PM) more than other game companies combined so maybe that has gave me "active" feeling.
- edqe

Maybe things have changed since, but during the development and launch of XR egosoft pretty much hid, with the random statement here and there. It never felt like the community was involved in shaping the game at the start. After the launch I think egosoft were pretty much forced into public testing etc. Something I dont think they done before. Now I think a lot of people were alienated, so they can be more one on one. It may of been a shame, cos its something I might of been able to help with. They need a community relation manager.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 9 years ago.

Maybe things have changed since, but during the development and launch of XR egosoft pretty much hid, with the random statement here and there.
- Roguey

Hmmh, to me it looked that they were very busy at that time. Lots of patches in short amount of time.

It never felt like the community was involved in shaping the game at the start.
- Roguey

Do you mean by "start" as game design process?

Communities seems to be involved on game design only on some Kickstarter and Early Access projects. Even then they don't seem to have that much influence and I personally think that is a good thing. Stagnation is not an option these days. Community is very important after the game had been released; bug reports, game content (DOTA 2, etc.) and mods.

Now I think a lot of people were alienated, so they can be more one on one. It may of been a shame, cos its something I might of been able to help with. They need a community relation manager.
- Roguey

True, some old fans were disappointed and alienated because the game was different and not moddable enough in the beginning. Unfortunately technical problems were even bigger problem and drove many new to X series away. Technical problems made it impossible to play the game - lost "consumers" are very hard to get back.

Community managers would be great for all games.

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