I think they work with the community very well. They are very active in the forums and support is excellent. It is really easy to talk with Egosoft's developers and they keep improving their tools to make communication even easier.
- edqe
- edqe
That is news to me. Devs rarely post and when they do it is extremely rare they ever respond again. For example when testing X3:AP 2.0 the bug reports were for the most part ignored and I gave up trying to help as it is pointless to do so. In the current patch thread a Dev posted twice. However Xenon_Slayer (now that I think about it, it may not be him but a moderator instead) is one of the more active guys on the team and even shows up here sometimes. Other than him you would have more luck getting a brick to sing a song than get a dev to say anything.
ed: I did a bit of digging and it is actually X2-Illuminatus who sometimes post here. He is a moderator on the Egosoft forums. Keep in mind that the mods are not Egosoft employees and are not paid for their work (I have been told this many times lol. I PM them sometimes and they make it a point to tell me that).