Place title here... lol

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ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Hi guys, Nova, roguey and all others i know, and i don't know... I'm planning on making a comeback to the X3 mod scene, but since i forgot my pass for the site i had to make a new acount, so yes, Ktide is short for my original nick.

Ok so, for all that don't know who i am, i'm killertide, i've modded a bit here and there and i'm going to start on it again, so if anything needs doing, lemme know Wink


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 13 years ago.

Hi mate, I thinkg Roguey could probably give you your pass.


ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

No idea, it's fine thou, a nick is just a nick Smile

What's been going on around these parts the past years, anything good or bad? What's new?

Oh and btw, Roguey, how can i add my sig and avatar mate? I've been poking on the controls but they're scary lol.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

hey m8, didnt you build some of them ships for the X3 Mod? nice to see you back!

as for your account, hmm.. didnt see it on the list. This site has gone under some big changes (if you havnt been here for awhile): one being that the old phpbb forum was ditched, in favour of my own system. So I had to write my own registering system.

as for adding your own sig/avatar, you can do that but you need to reach certain ranks, which you get from posting/voting etc. I just checked my experience updater code, and there was some errors in it. You should be level 2 now with some options in My Home.

btw, congratulations on your new Roguey rank of Boguey :p (you get name for each level)..

as for going around well.. not much. I found big glitch in X3TC (called clone wares), egosoft announced rebirth (more details here) bozor/tiger are working on a xbox 360 site, and we have a chat area (which may find useful).


ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Roguey forgot about me Cry

Look at my siggy siggy... Remember me now? :p

sig isn't showing Confused

Oh and yes, i made a "few" ships, plus the gun platform, the billboards... etc :p

No more cheese for u mister lol


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

ooooh, nutz.. no more cheese? what I am going to eat now? Smile

I do remember you, its just there's someone with a similar name on another forum. So I just wanted to check to make sure it was you, and not the other person.

as for the sig, you need to surround the image with img tag's, when you get access to UBB code at level 3. The reason for giving access to UBB code at level 3 is to stop new people posting links to spam sites. It used to happen, even had one here about UGG boots - no idea.


ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Oh ok, so no costum avatars aswell? Bummer Cry

You working on a ny mod u need my hands on? Have a ship gap that needs filling?

Curently ( lol, since last night after installing max again :p ) i made a fighter... Well, it looks like one anyway but i haven't uncated anything yet, and i have no idea how to remove the secondary screens from the copy screen so i can't post a pic lol, looks boronish.

Other then that i'm working on another Star Wars ship, transporter, since i have only a few of those.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Well im not working on much in the X3/TC field atm - things have gone rather quite there. There isnt the same enthusiasm there once was. News/Mods with few views, and even less downloads. Shame really.

As for custom avatars, they are there. You can upload any avatar to this site when you reach level 3. Some rewards are not as big as others, but I tried to give a reward. At level 5 you get your own blog space!


ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Not a blogger myself mate Smile

How's leg i gotta hump to get to lvl 3 lol?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

no worries, just thought ive just an idea on the range of rewards on the system. I understand many sites simply give you more stuff straight away, however this idea rewards constant posters. It also allows me to give some bigger rewards later on.

as for level 3, you need to either keep posting on the forum, comment on a few things (any site), post some votes (x2/3/tc) on ships or even play in the arcade. It all counts - and level 3 shouldnt take too long.


ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Ah, forum sig and avatar set Big grin

Oh... a nice list of smillies aswell Flame

Banana winner


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

nice one, more and more stuff will keep unlocking until 9 - ran out of ideas by then LOL

However do you see what I mean? Stuff will unlock with a little bit of effort. You even gone upto 4 now, so you got access to a custom title now.


ktide avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 13 years ago.

Yep, i like it, it invites people to stick around and chat with us.

Good job m8 Beer


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Thanks. It gives us a little time to get used to a new person. It should also help lower the risk of spam-bots (they cant register and then post a link to their site without reaching level 3). In the past there's been quite a few on different systems. That's what killed the wiki.


Dread avatar
Level badge Noviguey (3)
Posted 13 years ago.

hello KT 0/

nice to see you again m8 =)

i just re-registered ... seems my old account got delected when the old forum was changed !???

well, it's nice to see you people again Smile


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 13 years ago.

Welcome back dread, where have you been? :p

a lot as changed since the old phpbb2 forum. Since then I have changed my own systems, from the forum to the user registering system. You can do most (if not all) the things you can do in a phpbb forum, however you need to unlock it by doing stuff (I am going to boost the reward for playing arcade games). At level 3 you can upload your own avatars onto the site. However you can do more things like posting blogs, play in the arcade, get badges/title and more (check My Home on the right).

You may wonder why so much as changed? well spam-bots where posting nasty content every day. I had to do something about it, so rather mod the forum every day (mod didnt make them go away), so I wrote my own. My code is usually a lot faster, as its less complex. One example is the parser (the thing that converts smiley faces and ubb code into html) which is around ten times faster!

anyway, welcome back to the site. I hope you enjoy the new features.

ps. your account didnt get deleted, just that none of them were carried over from the phpbb forum.

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