Nod and Civilians
Written by DAWUSS
You have probably seen and heard the Nod ways that are done onto ordinary civilians like you and me. Now we do need to realize that Nod has mix of actions on civilians. We'll summarize that statement as this:
Now we'll look at, if they lived according to their preaching, they wouldn't be scared stiff, wetting their pants, or pulling out shotguns whenever a Nod soldier walks by. You hear the civilians themselves thanking GDI for saving them from Nod, who seemed to be lying. Well, of course they'd be lying; they don't live up to their preaching.
As this might relate to their civilian lives, let's just note that we haven't really digged into how their civilian lives would be.
And another thing on civilian lives: Civilian jobs: Education. How do you think Nod schools would operate? Since kids usually don't know any better in the beginning, its easier to brainwash them into their ideas. But what about punishment? Would it be writing something 1000 times? Would be ingesting a Tiberium pill? Would it be getting shot somewhere? Would it be a combination of those? Would it be worse? Would it be better? Of course that punishment brings us into our next topic: PUNISHMENT FOR NO REASON!!!
Granted, though some of them might have resisted, but others, like those in the church a few kilometers from there, didn't do ANYTHING, and look what happened. The whole mutant process. Those were all POW, with most of them being CIVILIANS! This is what I've been trying to get across ladies and gentlemen! They do it as there is very weak, if any resistance! And this is because they are so efficient at things!!! Look at Stephen Cheng's essay on Nod:
One has to wonder about the ruthlessness committed under the Nod banner. This harshness comes in the form of murder, blackmail, bribery, inhumane medical experiments, slave labor, and countless other crimes. All of these are simply tools for the Nod high command. Nonetheless, people still flock to Nod recruiters.
When a general goes against Nod, that commander has the feeling that his or her mission will not be all that simple. He or she would have the feeling that Nod has several tricks up its sleeve, always several steps ahead. Even when the Brotherhood of Nod gets defeated, the victor still has the uneasy feeling that Nod is still out there, that Nod agents are still lurking about. And so it was for the Global Defense Initiative in the First Tiberium War. What did it matter that Nod's Sarajevo command center was leveled? There were still other determined militia groups that either sympathize with the Nod cause or outright declare allegiance to the scorpion's tail and in the year AD 2030, the Brotherhood rose again.
Now, if the General had that weird, inconfident feeling, then what must we think the civilians were feeling? They had no tanks (unless they had a brother or sister that donated it to their resistance group). All they had was their car and a shotgun and a pistol.
Now comparing those 2 guy's guns, the Officer has the advantage. Now, if the civilian kills the guy, then he gets his gun.
This is starting to remind me of some story of which I was working on. 1 GDI soldier and many civilians try to liberate this city called Alpenstadt. Basically, they do the following which is the message of the story and the second part of this topic: REBEL AGAINST INHUMANITY!!! THAT's what those Holocaust documentaries you watch in school are trying to say!
Well, now you have it. The whole picture titled Nod and the People. Maybe I'll do a webcam of this once I can get that up and running. That will have a little bit more information than I am able to give you right now.
Sources Cited:
C&C: Ammo (for hosting this topic [AN AMMO EXCLUSIVE!!!

PlanetCNC (for some references,
Simpose (for the other scenes starring Sims [the close-ups with no background]*YOU MUST HAVE THE GDI-NOD ADD-ON FOR THE SIMS TO HAVE THEM IN SIMPOSE)
The Sims - (for the GDI-Nod add-ons [though you can get them here on ammo
Now we want your take on it! Head over to the forums and give any questions or comments on it! Some of the good ones may even be on my webcam version if that will come through!
This is an Ammo exclusive, which means that the entire topic may ONLY be featured on C&C Ammo. Feel free though, to use some part of this document as a reference in an article you are doing
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