Official release

Tuesday 16th December, 2014 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 4 comments

Today marks the official launch of Elite & Dangerous (version 1.0). I do hope the servers will remain working - has in the past other online servers do struggle on the first couple of days. For those already been playing the Alpha/Beta/Gamma releases you maybe somewhat disappointed in the changes from Gamma 2.07 to version 1.0;

- Prevent missions softlocks when switching servers from A->B->A without disconnecting from A
- Check if we should use the neutron star's version of the bolometric luminosity first to prevent soft lock
- Avoid crash in creating a location object when it hits a rare window
- Sky box view distance altered to reduce memory usage in highly populated regions

It was a shame there was no new content added, like extra ships, party system etc.

Anyway, good luck Commanders...

News picture 81

ps. It appears that the version string is still at the bottom of the game, hopefully this will be removed shortly.


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