Universe updates

Friday 6th February, 2015 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 2 comments

Over the past week or so, I have been thinking about changing the system-object pages. Instead of a long-list of details, I thought about breaking them into tabs. These tabs should make it easier to navigate.

One thing I managed to do tonight was to change how ships are added. In the past you had to add each ship but now its done with a bunch of checkboxes (that have the default price). This should make it much easier to add all of ships in one swoop. Thanks to a suggestion on the forum.

I still have a couple more things to do, an explorer tag (need to work-out how to deal with it) and easier CSV importer. Anyway, I thought there was enough changes to update tonight. Hopefully you like the changes.

Oh, and also the trade-helper link from the system object pages has been re-added. Im glad to say we havnt had any more server issues since.

All suggestions are welcome as normal Smile

ps. I have also been working on updates to the ship pages but that along while way. The plan is to let you be able to install systems and see the effects.

oh, and the last thing, the rare goods map is now using an origin point. So it can handle much larger areas than just around sol.

News picture 92


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