Factions and ware pages
Sunday 5th April, 2015 · Posted by Roguey · 2 commentsToday I thought ill work on the site (its been awhile). So I was thinking about adding support for factions to the universe section. Factions requires some code because it can quickly turn into a giant wall-of-text. Sometimes you need to know where certain factions are, for example turning in a old bounty (where you forgot where it was). I have a couple on my info-panel where I dont where to turn them in.
So, its now possible to tag any new or existing stations/outposts with a faction. Once stations/outposts have been tagged, then you can use the faction pages to search nearby. This should make it a lot easier to find them. If you notice any missing factions, please let me know.
I have also created a little section for wares too, although rather basic but it may help some.
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