The best trade-runs
Friday 10th April, 2015 · Posted by Roguey · 2 commentsToday ive been thinking where are the best trade-runs? The trade-helper Mk3 works this out for each system but wouldnt it be nice if there was a list of the very best places? So tagging onto the Mk3, it now saves any high profit deals back into the database (ones with 1,000cr+).
However, I also added a bit more data allowing for trade-run range selection. It might be a good trade-run but if its 100ly+ then might not be that useful. It will take time working out all the deals, as the Mk3 needs to run and update the database. The code can also update runs encase they change in the future, and is done automatically.
This should at-least help to know where to start looking for them deals.
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