Steam keys
Friday 29th May, 2015 · Posted by Roguey · 1 commentsA while back, there was a bit of a up-roar when Frontier decided to release Elite: Dangerous on Steam. The move came out-of-the-blue and meant store players (including those with alpha/beta backers) were unable to add Elite to their Steam accounts. Many of these players spent fair amount of money backing a game to feel left out some-what.
However today Frontier have finally added a way to generate your own Steam-key. So now its possible to add your Frontier-store game to Steam. Steam offers many advantages, such as the community. Steam can also offer things such as Trading-cards and/or achievements at a later stage. So if you want to add Elite to your Steam account, head on over to the Elite: Dangerous store.
A big thank-you to Frontier for allowing us to add the game to our Steam accounts (if we choose);
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