Rebuilding the database

Saturday 12th November, 2016 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 2 comments

When using the site today, you may of noticed some of the search results having fewer results than normal (on the Elite Dangerous site). The reason being is that I have cleared out the ED database. This wasn't something I did likely, but over-time the database has become a bit of a mess. Some of the data was older than beta builds (pre v1.0).

Now we have full EDDN support, im sure the site will gain most of the data pretty fast. All the new data is solely coming from EDDN. So for the next day or two, please bear with me. I am hoping that I will be able to add planetary bases soon. Anyway, I thought id better keep you guys in the loop. Please let me know if you encounter any problems. I have put some code in to transfer some of the details from the older tables, such as descriptions, distances etc.

ps. no... the Thargoids didnt attack the site :p

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