Multi-crew and ship naming

Friday 17th February, 2017 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

True to their word, Frontier showed us Multi-crew in action. This was the first time we got to see it in action. The stream had Ed directing the stream whilst Adam, Sandro and Barry took control of a Federal Corvette.

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The helm of the ship was flown by Sandro. This meant that he had control on the flight of the ship, fixed / gimbal weapons, power management, FSD and the ability to kick unwanted players. Since the helm is always the owner of the ship.

Next Adam and Barry took over the roles of the fighter and gunner. In the fighter role, Adam flew a ship-launch fighter, and supported the Federal Corvette. As of v2.3, you will able to deploy two fighters; one AI + one human OR two human. I dont think you can deploy two AI fighters. This should make fighters an even bigger threat than before.

Next we had the gunner role, this was done by Barry. In this role you get an external view of the ship and you control the turreted weapons, missile racks and scanners. As you get more people joining your crew, you will be able to place an extra couple of pips in the power distributor, making the ship a little stronger. You will not be able to wing-up with a multi-crew ship, which makes sense (as it would be over-powered).

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There will be a looking for party function, so make it easier to find players. Frontier wanted to make it an drop-in, drop-out experience. However because some players will be doing illegal actions, you will be able to create a group being either lawful or lawless. If a commander decides to attack the wrong target in a lawful game, they will be kicked from the group automatically (which makes sense).

You may also noticed during the live stream the ship has a name. So another feature will be ship naming.

If you wish to see the live stream, you can watch the first one here, and the second here. Bare in-mind that each are an hour long, but shows the new features in more detail. If however you want a shorter version, I have also created a video explaining the new features below (like and subscribe if possible, thanks);


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