Official Launch Trailer

Wednesday 10th December, 2014 · Posted by Roguey · Comment 0 comments

Today frontier have released their official launch trailer for Elite-Dangerous;

Whilst it looks very nice and that, I dont feel its completely honest... well at-least to my knowledge. I know its not actual game-play content, but its not even close.

In the first scene you see a bunch of people walking to various ships. However during beta/gamma testing I never saw the ability to walk outside your ship. Maybe this feature will be added at a later date, but I find it unlikely at launch day. Im not sure if we even have external cameras at this time.

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In the second scene we see a couple of Viper's chasing a Cobra. Whilst some of the combat is like that, its not entirely honest - ive never seen a ship suffer from one of its engine exploding. There are also a lot of ships in the area.

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Between the next scene, we see the ship entering super-cruise and immediately exit by the station. Unless the whole process has changed, this is not the case. It can take at-least 30-60 seconds to get to an station. heck, the super-cruise drive takes 5 seconds to charge up.

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In the last scene we see a battle around a station. All the stations Ive visited would immediately destroy you if you attempt anything like that. If you're very luckily and managed to avoid all the weapon fire, the fines would be higher than the bounty.

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I know this is just a video - meant for marketing but I do feel its a bit dishonest to gamers. It shows the game in another light altogether, a more combat based game rather than a space-sim. This render isnt faithful at all.


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