Federal Dropship

The Federal Dropship is an expensive that lacks in its offerings. It has 5 hardpoints (4 medium, one large), reasonable internal compartments but poor jump-range. However due to its poor manoeuvrability, it can make it fairly poor ship for combat. You may need to relie on turrets to hit the target.

Manufacturer Core Dynamics
Added in patch v1.0,+
Ship launched fighter No
Maximum speed 250m/s ( m/s with boost),
Manoeuvrability 3 (out of 10),
Price ship 14,313,210cr

Weapon mounts

Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Gun mount Large  
Gun mount Medium  
Gun mount Medium  
Gun mount Medium  
Gun mount Medium  

Utility mounts

Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Utility Mount  
Utility Mount  
Utility Mount  
Utility Mount  


Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Power Plant C6  
Thrusters C6  
Frame Shift Drive C5  
Life Support C5  
Power Distributor C6  
Sensors C4  
Fuel Tank noteNote: Default: Fuel-Tank (32) C4  
Ship / cargo hatch 14,313,210 cr -0.6mw 580t

Internal Compartments

Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Internal Compartment noteNote: Default: Cargo (32) C6  
Internal Compartment noteNote: Default: Cargo (16) C5  
Internal Compartment noteNote: Default: Shield C5  
Internal Compartment noteNote: Default: Cargo (8) C4  
Military slot C4  
Military slot C4  
Internal Compartment C3  
Internal Compartment C3  
Internal Compartment C2  
Internal Compartment noteNote: Default: Supercruise Assist C1  


Hull strength
Shield strength
Power use
(max )
Total mass
(range )
Rebuy cost
Build cost
(ship cost 14,313,210)

Economy -
Business -
First -
Luxury -
Weapon damage
Thermal -
Kinetic -
Explosive -
Current -
Max -
Total -
Fuel / Max jump -
Max jumps -

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