Imperial Courier

The Imperial Courier is a smaller ship than I remember - being smaller than a Asp. It features three guns mounted on the left/right wings and one on the underside (similar to that of the Eagle). The Courier is fairly quick but not the fastest. In some-ways the Courier is the poor-mans clipper. Another ship to consider at this stage would be the Vulture.

Manufacturer Gutamaya
Added in patch v1.2,+
Ship launched fighter No
Maximum speed 280m/s ( m/s with boost),
Manoeuvrability 4 (out of 10),
Price ship 2,479,400cr

Weapon mounts

Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Gun mount noteNote: Wing, right Medium  
Gun mount noteNote: Wing, Left Medium  
Gun mount noteNote: Underside, middle Medium  

Utility mounts

Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Utility Mount  
Utility Mount  
Utility Mount  
Utility Mount  


Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Power Plant C4  
Thrusters C3  
Frame Shift Drive C3  
Life Support C1  
Power Distributor C3  
Sensors C2  
Fuel Tank noteNote: Default: Fuel-Tank (8) C3  
Ship / cargo hatch 2,479,400 cr -0.6mw 35t

Internal Compartments

Priority Item Cost Power Mass
Internal Compartment noteNote: Default: Shield C3  
Internal Compartment C3  
Internal Compartment C2  
Internal Compartment C2  
Internal Compartment C2  
Internal Compartment C1  
Internal Compartment C1  
Internal Compartment C1  


Hull strength
Shield strength
Power use
(max )
Total mass
(range )
Rebuy cost
Build cost
(ship cost 2,479,400)

Economy -
Business -
First -
Luxury -
Weapon damage
Thermal -
Kinetic -
Explosive -
Current -
Max -
Total -
Fuel / Max jump -
Max jumps -

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