If anybody needs help finding places to put profitable stations here is my list;
Solar Power Plant -- Kingdom End
Solar Power Plant -- Ore Belt
Ore Mine -- Gestu Fune <-- There is a ore asteroid with a yield of 96!!!
Ore Mine -- Ore Belt
Ore Mine -- Spring Of Belief <-- Yield of 46
Silicon Mine -- Ore Belt
Ore Mine-- Priest's Pity
I am also have a Alpha PPC Forge in Argon Prime can anybody tell me if this is any good
Does anybody else know any profitable stations?
Profitable Stations (again)
Board Index » X2: The threat » Profitable Stations (again)
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
nobody know any?
Skillguey (7)
Skillguey (7)
I only have a ore mine in Ore Belt and a Ore Mine in Omicron Lyrae with PPC forge they give good profit but I manly use Teladi Vultures with Section Traders.
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" Albert Einstein
Miltaguey (15)
Miltaguey (15)
I have not tried that, I will not bother writing what I have now, it is too long a list. I am happy as I have it so i don't need to worry about a thing, all I like doing it collecting the money, cause of the immense amount of stations, (most I have in one sector is 7 inc PHQ) I am on about 3.4billion credits now, (that's just my account not with the stations credits) I normally leave it until about 100million credits before I come and take 90% off a station.
It's funny, i still roam around in my Taladi Osprey, with it's Gamma Shockwave things and HEPT on the other turrets, and I can quickly switch to HEPTs in my front weapons for ships to ship combat, I also have about 15 Caps roaming various sectors and 3 more docked at my PHQ with energy for jumpdrives ready in case I need help defending one of my stations, one of them is on a Xenon border, that is under attack a lot, I have started to put laser towers down, and added a second cap patrolling the sector. My empire is HUGE.....
I have protocol when someone attacks my station, if they post a threat that could destroy the stations (Xenon/Khaak caps) I jump to the sector then jump in my defense fleet, and my list of priorities is;
1) Transfer credits off station (first as always)
2) Un-dock all ships at stations transporting most amount of cargo possible to them,
3) ATTACK!!!! (there is normally no need to further)
4) If my forces are broken through I retreat, use the station as cannon fodder and get the hell outta there, and lose the station.
It never normally gets to #4 but when it does I do go back and try and finish them off.
There you go some pointless info to read
It's funny, i still roam around in my Taladi Osprey, with it's Gamma Shockwave things and HEPT on the other turrets, and I can quickly switch to HEPTs in my front weapons for ships to ship combat, I also have about 15 Caps roaming various sectors and 3 more docked at my PHQ with energy for jumpdrives ready in case I need help defending one of my stations, one of them is on a Xenon border, that is under attack a lot, I have started to put laser towers down, and added a second cap patrolling the sector. My empire is HUGE.....
I have protocol when someone attacks my station, if they post a threat that could destroy the stations (Xenon/Khaak caps) I jump to the sector then jump in my defense fleet, and my list of priorities is;
1) Transfer credits off station (first as always)
2) Un-dock all ships at stations transporting most amount of cargo possible to them,
3) ATTACK!!!! (there is normally no need to further)
4) If my forces are broken through I retreat, use the station as cannon fodder and get the hell outta there, and lose the station.
It never normally gets to #4 but when it does I do go back and try and finish them off.
There you go some pointless info to read
Assoguey (17)
Assoguey (17)
Wheat farm in The Wall! Almost guaranteed profit! Also Teladianium Foundries in Atreus' Clouds can be profitable. Best profit source I found is Drone Factories in Family Pride (or anywhere else with a plentiful supply of Massom Powder!) But never buy Argon or Boron Drone Factories! They still need Massom for some stupid reason! I don't know about Paranid or Teladi ones....
I will be the one to take you down!
Markoguey (10)
Markoguey (10)
Years since I played x2, but I can assure you that paranid foods sell for max price around Gestu Fune area as no ships can get across the xenon sectors..
Fightguey (6)
Fightguey (6)
Haven't experienced an attack that posed a serious threat to my stations yet. Any attack usually damages the shields slower than they can recharge, and after about 15 minutes (real-time) all attacking ships are destroyed by sector patrols or pilot stupidity (crashing into the shields), the latter usually only happens when your in the same sector.
Isolated sectors are generally a good way to make a profit supplying vital resources, meaning foods, naturals and minerals. Basically anything that requires only 1 resource for production, with the exception of a Crystal Fab (for closed circuit cell production) and food processing (Cahoona Bakery for instance).
Isolated sectors are generally a good way to make a profit supplying vital resources, meaning foods, naturals and minerals. Basically anything that requires only 1 resource for production, with the exception of a Crystal Fab (for closed circuit cell production) and food processing (Cahoona Bakery for instance).
Tropguey (5)
Tropguey (5)
Scruffin Fruit Factory in The Hole
Rookiguey (4)
Rookiguey (4)
family pride chelt aquareum sell meat chelts to rastar refinery 100 plus credits a pop in serctors 0 or 1 jumps
Rookiguey (4)
Rookiguey (4)
Soyery in Akeela's Beacon is incredible. Buy energy cells for 9 in same sector and sell Soja Husk for max profit to Split (the buy em like crack). Until you can afford a Soy farm in same sector, buy Soja bean from pirate factory in either danna's chance or nopileos memorial (one of them cant remember which one). You can run energy cells bought in Akeelas beacon for minimum price to the Soja bean factory and buy Soja bean for your factory on the return trip. I recommend at least 2 fast TS class transports. Only down side is you will need to keep an eye on those transports as the pirate sectors get a lot of enemy's. I usually just tell my TS's to land at a station until I can clean up the sector. Hope this helps.
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