Is it worth playing X3 Reunion and Albion Prelude

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ukerekais avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

So I bought X3TC a while ago and I am still playing it, having only completed the Terran plot and got into the Fury and Hub plots. I am wondering if it is worth going back to X3 Reunion or move onto AP soon or should I just skip them and hit the new game once it is on sale Also, does anyone know any good resources for the lore of the x:universe so I can be caught up to date?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 2 years ago.

hmmm.. hard to say, as you jumped into the franchise at mid-point. Going backwards to X3 maybe a little underwhelming; your notice features missing here and there - and still be jumping-in half-way. I am not sure how well the oldest x-games hold up nowadays, but they would lead you into the x-series better.

To summarise, if you dont plan on going back to the older x-games (X-BTF, X-Tension etc.) I would move onto X3AP (after try X3FL) - dont bother with Rebirth. However if you thinking about the franchise, maybe worth looking all the games before (X-BTF, X-Tension, X2, X3). Atm (Lunar sale) most of them have 70% off on Steam. For quid or so each, they arent mega-money (if you get a few hours of fun, its worthwhile). Ive brought games at £30-40 and been disappointed by them.

X4 is a different kettle of fish, not really an X3 style game to me (kind-of feels like an X3.5 or something - hard to explain).

Its your call.


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