What order do I play the X-3 series of game?

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kehilbatu avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

Hey, after looking at some of the comparisions of Star Citizen and X series, I decided to try X out (got all of them in a bundle this summer) so should I start with X3 https://19216811.cam/ https://1921681001.id/ :Reunion and then do TC and AP or install all three at once and go?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 2 years ago.

hi there, you could start with X3 but bare in-mind that it is an older game than X3TC/AP. So you may find some of the features missing, but they are all strong games.


alishakihn avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

In case you want to play all the games in series, the chronological order is as follows: X: Beyond the Frontier -> X-Tension -> X2: The Threat -> X3: Reunion -> X3: Terran Conflict -> X3: Terran Conflict -> X3: Albion Prelude. Flappy Bird


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