What order do I play the X-3 series of game?


Rookiguey (4)

Hey, after looking at some of the comparisions of Star Citizen and X series, I decided to try X out (got all of them in a bundle this summer) so should I start with X3 https://19216811.cam/ https://1921681001.id/ :Reunion and then do TC and AP or install all three at once and go?

Trueguey (22)

hi there, you could start with X3 but bare in-mind that it is an older game than X3TC/AP. So you may find some of the features missing, but they are all strong games.

Rookiguey (4)

In case you want to play all the games in series, the chronological order is as follows: X: Beyond the Frontier -> X-Tension -> X2: The Threat -> X3: Reunion -> X3: Terran Conflict -> X3: Terran Conflict -> X3: Albion Prelude. Flappy Bird

Rookiguey (4)

Hey, that's awesome you got the X series bundle! If you're diving in, I'd recommend starting with X3: Reunion to get a feel for the game mechanics and story progression. Once you're comfortable, you can move on to Terran Conflict (TC) and Albion Prelude (AP), as they build on the earlier content. Installing all three at once is fine too, but playing them in order will give you a smoother experience. Enjoy the journey! escape road
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