Generals ZH question


Rookiguey (4)

Hi everyone! I am playing a vs computers skirmish mode I am playing Toxin in a 2v2v2v2 and I have swiped a SW dozer which I've used to get myself loaded with vees.... some of my vees have Missile Defenders while others have the Gamma Toxin equipped RPG Troopers.... and it got me thinking, I get evacuating and using laser lock for the MDs is better, but for a fast hit and run, nobody gets out... would the toxin RPGs be more generally effective?

Rookiguey (4)

Hey Everyone,
I have been playing Zero Hour since it release off and on over the years, and after thousands of games there are still some things I cant figure out. I have done some google searches, but a game that old is hard to have reliable information, so I hope some of you know the answers to these questions:
How many workers should GLA have for optimal resourche management? I keep seeing 5, 6 and even 7. I always played with 5, but I sure will feel stupid if that was wrong all this time..
Does it actually matter income-wise if your USA supply center is very close to the supply? I see more and more just build it next to their CC.
Does pressing play (3 times?) in a multiplayer game lobby, actually refresh the game in the lobby? Or is this a myth?
How do mismatches happen? Back in the day it was assumed people were cheating, but I have had great matches with no clear winner where it randomly happened as well.
Why are there so many ''waiting for probe response'' errors after all this time, and is there anything you can actually do about it? It seems completely random to me when it happens.
What are considered pro rules these days? I have the feeling that over time, people started copying what they read from other people and have thus changed the pro rules all together. Back in the day it was No SW (except SW gen, who gets 1), No Nuke Migs, No Demo Bike, No Demo Upgrade, No Aurora Alpha and No Airforce Carpet Bomb before reaching General Level 3. However, over time I feel people have unclarity over the Demo general (does No demo mean no demo upgrade, or no demo bike?), the normal Aurora is also banned (which was never the case, maybe this happened because people said ''no aurora'' in the chat, reffering to the alpha, and it got confused?) and I never hear people mention the Carpet Bomber restriction anymore. So.. what is it, and for extra trivia: how did pro rules even come to be? Who created them?
Is there any website that states accurate information on the actual differences between generals costwise? For example, I want to know what the costs for Humvees are for each general, etc.
I found out today that the Shoe upgrade for Workers actually also increase the amount of money they can carry. This is not stated in the tooltip. Are there other weird upgrades that you might completely overlook?
Does the Propaganda-tower upgrade work on Emperor Tanks?
What are considered the best and worse generals? I was suprised to read somewere that Nuke was considered the worst, while back in the day I considered it the best China gen. Why is this?
I know most of these questions might seem nooby, but after all this time I figured id just ask
Thanks for reading and for your time!
I have been playing Zero Hour since it release off and on over the years, and after thousands of games there are still some things I cant figure out. I have done some google searches, but a game that old is hard to have reliable information, so I hope some of you know the answers to these questions:
How many workers should GLA have for optimal resourche management? I keep seeing 5, 6 and even 7. I always played with 5, but I sure will feel stupid if that was wrong all this time..
Does it actually matter income-wise if your USA supply center is very close to the supply? I see more and more just build it next to their CC.
Does pressing play (3 times?) in a multiplayer game lobby, actually refresh the game in the lobby? Or is this a myth?
How do mismatches happen? Back in the day it was assumed people were cheating, but I have had great matches with no clear winner where it randomly happened as well.
Why are there so many ''waiting for probe response'' errors after all this time, and is there anything you can actually do about it? It seems completely random to me when it happens.
What are considered pro rules these days? I have the feeling that over time, people started copying what they read from other people and have thus changed the pro rules all together. Back in the day it was No SW (except SW gen, who gets 1), No Nuke Migs, No Demo Bike, No Demo Upgrade, No Aurora Alpha and No Airforce Carpet Bomb before reaching General Level 3. However, over time I feel people have unclarity over the Demo general (does No demo mean no demo upgrade, or no demo bike?), the normal Aurora is also banned (which was never the case, maybe this happened because people said ''no aurora'' in the chat, reffering to the alpha, and it got confused?) and I never hear people mention the Carpet Bomber restriction anymore. So.. what is it, and for extra trivia: how did pro rules even come to be? Who created them?
Is there any website that states accurate information on the actual differences between generals costwise? For example, I want to know what the costs for Humvees are for each general, etc.
I found out today that the Shoe upgrade for Workers actually also increase the amount of money they can carry. This is not stated in the tooltip. Are there other weird upgrades that you might completely overlook?
Does the Propaganda-tower upgrade work on Emperor Tanks?
What are considered the best and worse generals? I was suprised to read somewere that Nuke was considered the worst, while back in the day I considered it the best China gen. Why is this?
I know most of these questions might seem nooby, but after all this time I figured id just ask

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