Argon Elite stuck

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Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.


I'm on mission where I have to infiltrate Argon military base in order to recover a spy. It's good, I've obtained all the necesarry stuff (except teladianium 200x, ill get it later). While I was going through a Xenon sector (I dont remember its number, around 5xx) my Argon Elite got engaged by 3Q's. She's putting up nice fight (and she's indestructible too Big grin) but in order to finish the mission I believe she has to go with me to the Argon station. How many M7's or M8's do I need to buy to temporarly capture the Sector to allow her retreat ? Is there any other way so she can retreat from this curses sector ? So far I've got 1 fighter argon advanced discoverer with crappy laser like guns, 9 transporters with CAG algorythm, 9 stations (7 stations and 2 complexes). Later I've browsed some stuff on google and found out that I need to do some Fury plot before going to the station. What's it about ?

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

You could try going out of the sector, then use SETA to see if it gets out? Its just when youre out of the sector, the x-games uses OOS calculations, which will be different.


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

I have tried that, but after an hour of waiting and observing on satellite how it's stuck in fight with Q's I gave up on waiting. I'm considering fleet intervention but I don't know right anti-Q fleet composition.
EDIT: I've decided to get her out again. I flew to the sector but I've noticed 8 Argon Cerberus and dozens of fighters taking on the Xenon that were present in the sector. There was a fleet going somewhere but I didn't expect them to show up in that sector so I've decided to join them. Knowing that I won't do much with Impulse Ray on my fighter, I have attacked few left Xenon N's and M's that were left. I've managed to get her out of sector and suprisingly she follows one of my transporters (Baldric). Could you help me out with some station spots ? I'd like to make my own frigate/destroyer/carrier fleet asap Smile Also what's good fighter I could switch to ? I'd like to keep one I have as fast transport ship for most very hard passenger transport missions.

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

Personally I am a fan of the Split Scorpion for an early game personal ship. It does have its pitfalls though such as VERY weak shielding and small cargo but when fitted with Mass Drivers it is unstoppable, on top of that it can use Hurricane missiles. But with Mass Drivers you won't get any ships to bail for extra cash.

The 'safer' option would be an Argon Nova Raider. I recommend the Raider for the extra speed and you still get decent shielding, rear turret, generous cargo and a large selection of compatible missiles. Keep in mind that the HEPT is a corvette class weapon and will drain your energy very quickly. I started fitting PACs and haven't looked back. Very few M3s can handle the drain of a HEPT, the ones that can are either unique or difficult to find ships.

Moving on up to larger ships, there aren't really any M6s (corvettes) that I really like other than the Paranid Hyperion. However you have to board it with marines and it generally is fairly difficult to do so. If you can get your hands on one though, it is perhaps one of the best ships in the game. There is also the Springblossom. I think this is the fastest M6 you can buy. It has a huge amount of cargo space to back up the speed. These properties make them very good personal trading ships. The Otas Skiron is considered by many to be the best buyable M6 for combat purposes. It is agile enough that it makes for an easier transition from M3 to M6 class.

When you are ready to make quick millions by doing station build missions, The only TL I can personally recommend is the Boron Orca. While people will try to say the Elephant is a better choice due to it being able to fit OK guns and carry lots of fighters, I say it is pointless. Mainly because of the tiny cargohold compared to the Orca. If you are getting in fights with a TL, there is a good chance you are doing it wrong. The main advantage to getting a larger TL is evident later when you start building large complexes for something. That cargo can be the difference between making 100 jumps vs 30 jumps to complete the factories.

Frigates (M7) are a good jumping off point into capital ships due to the fairly low cost. I recommend the Split Panther as a first M7 but it can be tricky sometimes because it is more like a carrier than a traditional frigate. It uses all turrets with a giant hanger for fighters. Has a great base speed and you get experience with using fighters for later. However the main issue is getting IBLs for this ship class. You will want to start on that early or board Pirate Carracks for the guns (note: the ship must have IBLs equipped for it to have a chance at dropping IBLs as loot when boarding. Here is a post on the egosoft forums discussing this subject). If you are boarding these though, that prolly means you already have a missile frigate which outclasses the M7 by a huge margin. But the frigate class is still good for a disposable fleet.

For missile frigates (M7M), really any of them is fine. Some like the Split Cobra for its base speed, I prefer the Boron Kraken for the looks. If you fit a turbo booster MKII on it, all of them can outrun any other capital ship, so the choice is purely personal taste. Ed: There are two exceptions here I forgot to mention. The Aquilo and Sirokos. The Aquilo can fire Flail and Hammers but not boarding pods. The Sirokos can only fire boarding pods. Because of this they are considered specialty ships but they do have their uses, especially when you want to board Xenon ships.

At this point in the game you will prolly want a Destroyer or Carrier (or both). I think the Otas Boreas is still the strongest in the game. If you played Reunion, you will know that the Split Python was something epic. It was nerfed in TC though but sorta restored in AP. Again this one really comes down to personal choice. Any of them can out gun any other ship in TC. In this class, the Terran Tyr is extremely good as well. Unfortunately it is also extremely difficult to kit out. It doesn't have enough cargo even to fit the biggest guns in all the turrets.

Last up is carriers (M1) most carriers are good. The Terran Odin stands out here as it has the most firepower and shielding. IIRC the ship is so large that it will explode if it goes though a gate. As far as I know the only way to obtain one is by boarding it. Otherwise I had good luck with the Boron Shark and the Pirate Galleon.

One thing I didn't mention is the M8 class. This is a super powerful missile ship. If you have played Eve Online, they are much like the Stealth Bombers in that game. They can only fire torpedoes and are only useful on large targets such as stations or capital ships. They were not mentioned mainly because of the limited role they have. They are like the missile frigate where they require supporting industry to produce the missiles. But IMO they are hands down the best thing to use when you need a station to disappear fast.


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

Thanks for very detailed reply! You gave me tons of informations which I couldn't find anywhere else. Smile

About M6 ships I thought to mix up Centaurs with Terran M6's as I haven't found any Paranid system yet but (I've found Boron and Argon Prime yesterday Big grin). Boarding... I've never done that before :P
Would 20 marines suffice to conquer the ship ? About Xenon, I've seen a vid on youtube where some dude boarded Xenon Q with 21 marines but he had to reload the save couple of times because one of his marines died. Would 40 marines suffice to conquer it ? I'll need some decent ships because I need to 'peacefully' reposess Pirate sectors for myself. Is the ship in end of the TC intro, Xenon or ATF? It is such a huge ship. I haven't played EVE Online because paying monthly for being able to play isn't okay for me. Although I respect those who play the game. Except that fee, the game is great (from what I've seen on youtube).

As for M7 ships I need something that will allow me to punch through Xenon Sector with transport ship, as I need to move a base through Xenon Sector 3xx. I've been considering to buy some Centaurs and Terran M7 ships (whats its name...). Are those ships any good (in numbers that is). Boron Orca looks really nice I'll take your advice Smile and Argon Mammoth is also an interesting ship. I've seen Terran Atmospheric Lifter in Saturn area, but alas, it's impossible to buy it. Have someone tried to board it? I agree with you that TL ship is supposed to transport stuff not fight (although I've used hired Argon Mammoth to fight Kha'ak carrier that tried to attack my Dream&Weed Complex planted between Solar Plants in Two Grand), but that's other story :P There is also some Argon mini carrier that costs less than 600k and can carry 4 random M3/M4/M5's. Can you tell me something about that ship? My initial plan was to make a fleet containing Terran and Argon ships.

So you're saying that the Station build missions are the fastest way to earn credits? Wow, I'll have to get on it, as I've been making my own stations. I have 12 of them and 6 of them are connected in a complex (in two grand Big grin). I'm also planning to extend my Wheat Farm in Omicron Lyrae to 3 statoins in complex, maybe 4. I can't produce wheat fast enough (price 30 creds). So far I earn 500-800 creds an hour.

I've read somewhere that placing 2x1MJ or higher XMJ/GJ shield complex in Argon Prime allows for huge income in short time, the same thing has been written for Ore&Silicon mines in Ore belt near Home of Light. Is this true ?

Forgive me asking so many questions but I'm new to the game (thanks to X Rebirth which I haven't played yet because I'm still waiting until it has been decently patched up).

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

Forgive me asking so many questions but I'm new to the game (thanks to X Rebirth which I haven't played yet because I'm still waiting until it has been decently patched up).

- Martinez90

It is no problem. Always nice to see somebody new playing the X games. Other people don't know what they are missing! It is funny, after posting that I really wanted to play TC again and installed it.

Don't worry too much about boarding if you are not ready for it. You really only have to do it once. It is pretty simple for the most part though, just some minor technical details to work though. For M6s they can only hold 10 marines. Capital class ships will need 20 to capture it. Xenon ships are special because of how difficult they are to board. For example the capitals require at least 21, however your avg missile frigate only holds 20. So you have to get creative when boarding those guys, IIRC you have to wait until the first wave of marines is moving to the second deck when the next wave is about to breach the hull. This is because you will lose marines on every deck of a Xenon ship (I think, I could be wrong).

M6s in numbers for a Xenon sector, that is an interesting question. It would probably work but expect heavy losses. Is there any way you could wait until you buy your own TL and just jump past it? Roguey posted about boarding the Atmospheric Lifter here. I've gotten a few over time but really only use them endgame when building the really big complexes. They are very good though and make for good storage if you need it.

The station build missions, the very hard ones will pay you the cost of the station plus 1 mil credits or more. If you have high rep with the commonweath races it is very easy to do them quickly. The catch is you got to have high enough rep to actually buy the stations and your own TL obviously. There are some very high paying passenger transport missions as well. You will have to look that up because there are a few different types of those. Those are good options for a more peaceful way of making credits with missions. Once your Fight rank is fairly high, the combat missions become easy money as well. Paying well over 1 million for an assassination mission and 1 - 5 mil for protect station missions. Ether option is perfectly valid.

Oh yea you know I totally forgot about the TM class. It is a good option to carry around your personal fighter(s) and load up abandoned ships to sell later. I always go for the Split Boa for the speed. Since I never fight with it I just put some basic defenses on it, like the turrets set to missile defense, with some fighter drones if I need them. Can't believe I forgot about it because it is my primary ship for a long time. Fit a jumpdrive on it and it is good for jumping around doing combat missions.

The 1MJ shield thing is apparently good as I see everybody talking about it. Personally I've never tried it so I can't say if it works or not. No idea about the mines though. I like building on a high yield mine (always use L factories for mines btw, it is a waste of a perfectly good asteroid to build anything smaller). Then I use the CAG software to have him run the station for me in a more intelligent manner than the trade command software. I can't really give any specifics on how to use CLS or CAG as it has been so long since i've played the game last, there are however many guides on how to use it. One of them was posted here: An Illustrated Guide to CLS by Kirlack. I wrote up one about how to complete the hub plot by mostly just trading alone, but I am really stupid and deleted the website without backing up the databases. I really need to rewrite that as it shows there are many paths to universal domination if you are willing to experiment and try new things.

If you are willing to invest the time to get good at the X3 games, they are very rewarding. You don't have to do that though, you can play though them as quick as you want and still have a fun time. Considering most peoples reaction to Rebirth, you may actually want to play it first. That way you won't have unrealistically high expectations. It is too bad though that it seems to have failed so badly. I put it down to them not listening to the community. I don't have the game myself as I cannot afford it but I only hear bad things about it. It really is too bad, maybe they should have created a new universe and called it something different. Might not have been so much hate toward it.


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

It's usual for games that are good that is worth playing all the time Big grin I can play Mass Effect trilogy or Dragon Age Origins all the time. Those games are hugely replayable.

Just once? That's not much, considering countless opportunities in this game Smile Can I make a drop from multiple ships? I believe that'd make things lot easier. It is possible to conquer Q without loosing marine, but it rarely happens. That's the video I've talked about 8ts0zpJmHoE Note that this person had to reload save couple of times. Thanks for the link explaining how to board Atmospheric Lifter Smile

I expect heavy losses with M6's, that is the only thing that stops me from investing into M6 class ships for now. Jumping is good idea, but I don't own any TL yet. Right now there are tons of investments into economy and sector traders Smile

The highest station build mission for me had a reward of @36 million credits. That's a lot, but I didn't have enough money to buy station. I care about high reputation, so far I'm hero of Federation, Terran of Sol. All Teladi stations and ships are also avaiable for purchase.
Thanks to my weak Advanced Argon Discoverer weapons I'm staying away from combat missions, unless I need to be in a sector where are some big friendly military ships Wink In few days I'm getting that Argon fighter you've linked above. Transport missions are awesome, especially Very Hard ones. I've noticed there are lots of them in Terran space. It was fun to risk transporting a guy to the Moon, but he paid 1,2 million creds.

We all forget sometime about something Big grin As I understand it'd be wise to buy at least one of these TM class ships (for now). The only ship of this class I have access to is Most of split ships statistically are awesome, why haven't they conquered Commonwealth yet? In Albion Prelude which I havent played yet, the Terrans declare war on entire Commonwealth. Thats just crazy.

Ok, I'll buy two 1MJ shield factories and place a complex in Argon Prime. Thanks for telling me about the mines! I'll hunt down L type as much as I can Smile I also use CAG software. 1 transport buys resources (energy cells, nothing complicated yet) and another one sells my products although some ships dock to buy. I have to say that my Dream&Weed complex is being torn apart by clientelle. My production can't keep up with demand as in range of 4 sectors there are trade stations and lots of folks want to buy weed directly. How can I place the stations that will be part of complex closer to each other? I'll post a screenshot tomorrow how my complex looks like. It's a huge mess. If you decide to rewrite your guide I'll be glad to download it in .pdf format Smile I already have guide named 'X3:TC for dummies' xD

In terms of domination I'd rather prefer military and economical dominance. I'm roleplaying a bit in my game and I've crated a3rd (or maybe 4th considering Albion, correct me if im wrong) human faction with ships flying under SSV banner.

I'm more of shooter/strategy/racing/rpg gamer, but X3:TC is really interesting game and I enjoy it a lot. I'd rather take my time, there is no better feeling than invading bad-guy sector in gunblazing while having stable economy supporting production/purchase of more ships.

There are youtube gameplays of X Rebirth. Game itself doesn't look bad imho ( justlast mission doesn't fit my expectations of huge battle). Many things in comparison to X3 TC or AP have been extremely simplified and thats main point of hate among people. Another is tehcnical side of the game. 21 patches have already been released since 15th of November and the buglist is still huge, including very poor performance even on hardcore enthusiast pc's. If Egosoft sticked to AP style but improved and developed some things further, added new options, etc. this game would be a definite win. I'm waiting until V1.8 or V2.0 when the game is fixed and improved in many aspects before I play it. Plotwise Xenon wars are okay, as those machines will always be a threat.
Wow. Read people's opinions about the game on it's site on steam store

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

There was a trick to placing stations I found on the Egosoft forums a long time ago. What you do is place an advanced satellite in the sector somewhere. When you go to place stations you can press 'k' to switch to camera view. In this way you can place stations very close and in a pattern if you wish. I can't remember the hotkey to switch the x/y/z axis though... maybe it was 'insert'. But there is a button on the top of the window to do that (the + sign looking thing). I think the 'Home' button will snap to the nearest object. Here is the result of using that method:


It isn't the prettiest thing in the world but it is good enough unless you are trying to make art. Here is one by dutzan. I think he uses the same method:


More pics and placement discussion can be found in this thread.


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

Nice complexes. They look better than mine xD No matter if it's art or not, it is very tempting to shape a complex into some immature sign :P I will have to plant an advanced satellite in Two Grand then. I thought it was uneccesary. I've found the trick how to do it. I'll use it while planting Bliss Place L soon. There are two things as first links that worry me now. My pc can handle lots of modenr games at full details but I'm running X3:TC with 4xAntiAliasing because I don't see any difference between 6x or 8x.

In this screenshot 90% of President's End has been obliterated by Kha'ak fleet. What now ? Is it conquered ?

Read message from Uma Fisty. Is this a new plot? If it's not then how can I recover the Argon Colossus ?

Complex Details

Complex Details 2


Ranks 2

Complex Pipes

Complex Pipes 2

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

I'm wondering what gun is going to be good for the Argon M3 ship you have advised me to get. Is it HEPT or Pxx guns ? Also here's my another complex built in Argon One Smile It contains 2 1xMJ shield factories and 1 Mosquito Missile fabric. 3 Transporters supply it with resources from nearby Argon sectors and with SETA per hour total profits from all businesses is 4 million creds Big grin I know it isn't much.

Click pic to enlarge.

Picture Argon Elite is following me baby Big grin


MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

That message you got is to signal the Treasure Hunt plot is available to you.

Yea, i personally recommend PACs on M3s instead of HEPTs. Reasons are, less power use and faster projectile speed. They do have lower DPS so you are sacrificing your burst dmg but you are able to maintain steady dps and more accurately than with HEPTs. You could perhaps even mix PACs with PRGs.

I've been messing with PRGs a bit on my Argon Buster Vanguard, with only 3 equipped it still drains the energy very rapidly. On a M3 though they shouldn't cause too much of a problem, plus the projectile is extremely fast so its easier to hit those pesky M5s and shoot down missiles. They do have good shield damage but the hull damage is a bit lacking and it shows when trying to kill Nova's with my Buster. The shields drop instantly but I run out of energy half way through the hull.

Another option is to group the weapons for max efficiency. For example have 2 HEPT and 4 PAC. First group would be maybe 4 PACs alone, second group everything together, and third group with just one PAC for making fighters bail.


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

I'll check the plot on this website Smile
Thanks for information. Argon Buster Vanguard is cool, but also you've advised me to get this ship
2 HEPT and 4 PAC may be very energy demanding. Wouldn't 2x and 6PAC be an overkill for buster raider?
M4's and M5's are damn fast ships, at least some of them. Would Aurora Missiles suffice to target M4/+/M5 ships?
I've planned to sell my old Argon Advanced Discoverer and buy Teladi Kestrel though I'm not sure if it's good idea. What would you do in this situation?

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

IArgon Buster Vanguard is cool, but also you've advised me to get this ship
2 HEPT and 4 PAC may be very energy demanding. Wouldn't 2x and 6PAC be an overkill for buster raider?
- Martinez90

I'm not quite understanding the question. That combo vs a buster, extreme overkill. That combo on a buster, it doesn't work (cant fit HEPTs). That combo mounted on a Nova, it is normal loadout. The problem comes in when too many HEPTs are being used draining the energy too quickly. You can always experiment with it though. Try it with HEPTs and see what you think. Do some combat missions (station protect missions are fairly safe for weapons testing).

Would Aurora Missiles suffice to target M4/+/M5 ships?
- Martinez90

These are dumbfire missiles so they will only fly in a straight line. You may have some luck with the Wasp missiles as it is fast but it seems like I can't hit anything with them. They always end up just circling the target. My favorite missile is the Hurricane. It is basically a slightly weaker/slower version of the disruptor missile but with one major advantage, you can get a factory to produce them.

I've planned to sell my old Argon Advanced Discoverer and buy Teladi Kestrel though I'm not sure if it's good idea. What would you do in this situation?
- Martinez90

I might trade/do combat missions until I had enough cash to buy the Kestral and keep the Discoverer. Its not that much better than a regular one though, it is a bit faster and holds a bit more shielding. At that point in the game you are prolly flying something superior to it anyway. You could keep it if you want to hang on to unique ships, otherwise I always just sell it anyway.

Here is the compare link for the discoverers.

The real advantage over the raider version is it has a better reactor and 1MJ more shield. In theory the shield should regen notably faster with the improved reactor. The increased weapon energy may be helpful though esp since it can only use IREs. It is up to you. I do like the Kestral though. Makes for an epic scout/mapping ship.

In one game I used the Kestral for an early combat ship (Teladi Trafficker gamestart). When I did that I was playing pretty hardcore and dogfighting was my specialty. What I mean is, it was surprisingly good when fitted with PACs, but i had to make passes at the target to kill it in most cases. If something went sour the insane speed let you disengage at will. Heck it can even outrun most missiles (and has turrets for the ones it can't).


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

I'm not quite understanding the question. That combo vs a buster, extreme overkill. That combo on a buster, it doesn't work (cant fit HEPTs). That combo mounted on a Nova, it is normal loadout. The problem comes in when too many HEPTs are being used draining the energy too quickly. You can always experiment with it though. Try it with HEPTs and see what you think. Do some combat missions (station protect missions are fairly safe for weapons testing).
- Sinxar

You've managed to anwser my question although I haven't constructed it correctly. Sorry for that.
I'm going to test this weapon loadout today. Smile Yesterday when I played there were few combat missions avaiable at the same time in Argon Prime. Knowing that there are some capitals flying around I have accepted all of them. Oddly some Xenon, Pirate and Kha'ak ships showed up randomly in the sector. Easiest money in game once you have huge fire support provided by Titan, Colossus, Argon One and dozen of fighters. Big grin

I didn't know those missiles are dumbfire and Wasps are not too effective. Correct me if I'm wrong, are Hurricanes produced by the Paranid? Terran Poltereist missiles are great. Too bad they are so hard to get and it is even harder to buy a Terran factory (at least for now).

The only thing I like about Adv. Discoverer is its wide variety of missiles to equip and awesome maneuverability which is very useful when dogfights go sour (like few ships vs you). It may be worth keeping it unless it's worth around 800k creds or higher, then I'm selling it. IRE's are aweful main guns. Very weak, but with this RoF they'd make great anti-missile turret as PRG.

Here's comparison of my actual Discoverer with two other ships, including Kestrel:

I'm pretty good in dogfighting too. On stats Kestrel has worse maneuverability than Adv. Discoverer but is it noticable in flight/combat? What gun have you used as anti missile? IER or PRG?

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit

Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 11 years ago.

What gun have you used as anti missile? IER or PRG?
- Martinez90

Missile Defense Mosquito actually heh. Was thinking about this last night and if I recall, I always put the turrets on attack my target and used MDM for missiles. If i had to choose between the two I would prolly pick the IRE because it is cheaper and uses less energy. Both are fine choices though.

Yep, hurricanes are a Paranid missile. Not sure you can actually buy them though. I am thinking they must be produced yourself or found as loot, it is worth it IMO just so you don't have to chase down those small fast ships. Later when you are cruising around in your corvette, Hornet missiles are pretty good for larger targets as well. It is entirely possible to kill or at least severely damage frigates using nothing but Hornets at range. OFC you still want to keep an anti-fighter missile too.

You don't have to use them though but from my experience and other peoples research on the Egosoft forums, those two are the best missiles that can be manufactured, not including things like Flail Barrage missiles that fit only on one ship type. The problem with most swarm missiles is pretty much exactly the same thing that is wrong with the AI autopilot in a wing. They keep trying to avoid each other making them highly ineffective. It is too bad that this has never been fixed, or at least reduced. I would love to have more viable missile options and fly with a wing.

ed: forgot to add, ya its a good thing terran missiles are overall decent. I can't hit anything with those EMPCs and if the missiles sucked too...


Martinez90 avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 11 years ago.

Lol what ? Are there Defense systems in X3 too? xD
IRE has smaller range while PRG fires in bursts. Time to test both settings later.

I'll have to search Paranid systems, but first I need to find them on sector map here at Roguey's site.
What do you think of 24 fighters/6 magnetars/10-15 corvettes fleet before purchasing M7 class ships ? I know it's small but there are more and more enemy big ships taking part in the fights. What do you think of Rapier missile ?

Well, if those missiles are the best in game, I'm definetly buying them Smile Yeah, autopilot in game is sometimes soo dumb. Whats the point of doing almost 20 turns instead of flying straight. Especially when claimed fighter that follows my ship crashes into the station while I'm docking. That's just riddiculous. Are there any mods that'd fix AI autopilot ?

Terrans are supposed to be the most advanced (except Xenon) in the X universe. Considering that they take on entire Commonwell by themselves in Albion Prelude (which I havent played yet). Oh speaking of games, there's X3 Reunion at steam store on sale. X3 Reunion steam store. What is the story like in this game? Smile

MSI GT70 PE2 Dominator Pro: 17,3 inch - 1920x1080, Intel Core i7-4800MQ 2,7GHz - 3,7GHz on Turbo, 16GB DDR3 CL11, nVidia GTX 880M 8GB, Intel HD4600, 1TB 32MB 7200RPM HDD, Windows 8.1 64bit
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