Another annoying noob post: help me get started

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singtneyu avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

I bought all the X3 games off Steam recently (AP, TC, and Reunion). I'm honestly not much of a gamer, but I used to play old space flight sims (Freespace, FS2, X-Wing Alliance) back in the day, and I love Escape Velocity like game such as Endless Sky, so I figured I'd be able to pick it up.

I...was wrong. I started playing X3: Reunion and it's very clear I have no idea what I'm doing.

I have a few specific questions, but I also welcome any more general thoughts or advice for one such as myself!

Is there any way to target the ship / station under my reticle? I have no idea how to target whatever I'm looking at. Usually what I do is go to the sector map and find the thing I'm looking for and then target it that way, but obviously that's not so great in a combat situation.

The interface is general is hard for me to wrap my head around. Do any of the games have a sort of gentle tutorial that starts me off easy with the most common functionality and then builds upon itself? 2.a. Sub-question: are there any mods that make the interface easier to read / navigate / use? Many HUD exender
lements are almost uselessly tiny on my screen.

I notice that most people in this sub seem to be playing mods these days. Does it make sense for me to start with the base game, or should I be playing a mod straight out of the gate for quality-of-life improvements? 3.a. If it does make sense to play the base game, should I be playing Reunion or do one of the other versions actually make more sense for me to start off with?

I think I'll leave it at these questions for right now. Thanks for reading my confused plea for help.


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