What am I missing about missile frigates?

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jenelsebo avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

Get a missile frigate, they said. It will be fun, they said.

I bought a Cobra. Oddly, despite being a "missile frigate", it seems to only be able to equip like three types of missiles. So I sent my fleet all over the universe looking for Hammer torpedoes, which was my first problem since apparently half of the facilities that make these things have either been destroyed or deleted by the Noodly Appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But after a good long while I finally got enough of them to make a difference (or so I thought). I got some marines, some boarding pods, and went to go make trouble.
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Long story short, the only trouble I found was the trouble I had doing anything useful with that dang ship. Those Hammer torps barely make a dent in the shields of any capital ship slow enough to actually be hit by them, and even though I suck at boarding operations, dumping marines out in space and letting them float to the target is still somehow more effective than packing them in flying coffins and letting them get shot down (or go sailing off into the darkness never to be seen again, or the shields on the target regenerate too fast and they splatter against the shields).

I just can't seem to figure out how to make this ship be useful. Maybe it's just me and my play style, but I'd rather have a couple of corvettes with decent guns than one of these things. Anyone want to try to convince me not to sell the dang thing?


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