What is X3: Terran Conflict?

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khapungin avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

I'm trying to get an overall picture of what you do in this game without watching hours of gameplay. I've played lots (1500+ hrs) of EVE Online, hands down my favorite game, but I'm looking for more and have been suggested this game.

What can you do? How limited? How free? How expansive is it? The devs didn't put up much of anything on the store page, instead taking the space for a few words on how the game is better than the previous installments.
omegle xender
It's on sale for $5 but I'm not sure if I want to put the time into it to learn it, but so far it seems it has lots that I would want to do (exploring, trading, combat, basically EVE Online but offline).

Thanks in advance to the responses!


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