X3FL Weapon fabs not selling goods

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pengaentu avatar
Level badge Noguey (0)
Posted 1 year ago.

So in my continuing misadventures in X3FL I've found that my higher end weapon fabs (missle and more expensive ship weapons) won't sell on their own; they fill up their stock and the ship that is set to sell ware for best price will sit on the station idle, but if I re-issue the command it immediately fills up its cargo and leaves for a valid target, but then the next time I check the station is full again and I have to reissue the command yet again [/url].

I've tried turning on auto-adjust prices and station manager and those haven't done anything, and I have the selling price of the wares lower than the average price. I have over 100 other factories set up the same way as these churning away making a profit (food, tech, arms, etc) - what am I missing here?


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