X3TC noobie thoughts and questions

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linercapr avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

So, I got this game during that Steam sale a couple weeks ago when X3:Gold was 10 bucks. I love it!

I'm mostly following the Terran plot for now, but have diverted off to do missions for other races to make $$$ and earn rep. I managed to somehow force a pirate Fujin Sentinel to bail early on in the campaign and have pretty much kept the ship once I learned it was MUCH faster than the Sabre you start with. I outfitted it with the advanced Discoverer's weapons/shields, and, while on the search for a jumpdrive, outfitted it with scanners xvideos, life support, max engine tuning (477m/s!), and a bit of cargo space.

So, I've been looking for ships to sell so I can start building stations and the Sabre I was given in the beginning is worth about 800k. Should I sell it? If I sold it, I'd have enough to buy a small factory to start with (I also managed to buy a used Mercury to transport goods too). Do I need the sabre, or is it good to sell?


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