my thinking

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Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 10 years ago.

Rebirth has been out only a few days,yet already lot of folks are complaining. All I heard wa.s a all new engine etc. The question I have for everyone is what did you expect? We and I got use to tc AP, here come somethingtotatly diffent we complain. While I am puzzled by some things about this game,I will play it to get used to it since,I paid a lot ft money.The more I more play understand ,hopefully the bugs will get worked out.of
I am not surprised ecosoft wanted to add a consloe since that is driving the game industry.I am glade they let the PC have it first. there are things I like to,see change true but I take as it is . I have been invoked in delvoping things before , and getting all bugs out isn't possible till real world use is done so yes I expected bugs. Thanks for you time please enjoy rebirth


jjhawk avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 10 years ago.

The game will probably hit the mark for certain people, especially if they have not played x3 or earlier games. I may be quite vocal In my opinions at times, but no way would I try to tell people not to try a game.. If you are enjoying the game then good on you, I can assure you Egosoft will add plenty of content for a long time to come without any additional cost.. They are a good company when it comes to that..

This is not a game I will enjoy however, I expected some changes. I thought it would become more of an fps In space, but this new game is nothing like any of the other games they made...


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

@scott its wasnt designed for a PC, it was first tried for the xbox 360. For some reason was ejected (probably due to bugs or thinking there wasnt too many console space-sim fans). Ego rethought things, then (guessing) around the start of the year retried it for the PC. So technically the PC got it last after it was ejected from the x360.. well thats my current thought anyway.

Although if youre enjoying the game, thats good to hear.


Acks avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.

I played the former X games as well and yes there are numerous things I got used to, even the menues Smile
So XR is quite a difference, but I have confidence that ego is going to adress issues fast. They had been working 7 years on that project, and if you ever have done project over such a long time you know that you will care about the quality in one or the other way. I'm impressed by the frequency of patch releases that they are pulling off atm. Never seen any developper who has reacted so quickly to comments.

That the graphic is outdated is indeed a shame. I suspect that they wanted to explore the console market, with steam & steambox as a possible platform. So far it didn't work out, so they are stuck with an engine which is tailored to not so powerful platform.

I will enjoy a couple more 100'th of hours playing XR and then see where it goes.


retribution1987 avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.

idk, this game doesn't seem that bad, once you get past some of the bugs, and they been doing a great job with that, i only crashed once in my last play session, and that was like 6 hours
they do have alot of UI work to do, and AI work to do.
only real concern i have is content, x3:TC is what really got me into these games, now i don't expect it to have that much content, but it better have more then AP.


AngryToaster avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

I have no more negative feeling about XR being on a console than I did about Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, or GTA 4. I doubt owners of console versions of Left 4 Dead, Counterstrike: GO, or Portal 2 were angry those games were ported from pc. Even those lines are blurring; The divide that existed in the beginning between console and pc was mostly commercial, and is now almost entirely political.

I won't be surprised a bit if the game is release on consoles in the future. After extensive patching of course, and probably a content update.


Zipmeister avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

I totally forgot about Steam machines. I'll bet a Valhalla Egosoft has a development API for it already.
As for the comparisons to other console ports, I don't see it as a relavant comparison to X3. Comparing X3 and XR is like comparing previous Serious Sam FPS with the side scroller Serious Sam. Im not saying it's a bad game. It is a very different kind of game made for a different audience. It has been suggested the storyline is on rails. Galaxy on Fire 2 is part of the weekly humble bundle if I wanted a brainless space console shooter. I don't. I can't speak for the rest of you, but trading hundreds of ships/variants which you can own and fly, for a lot less ships and only one you can fly, so you could walk around a poorly done station and crawl through a ventilation duct (if that made it into the game) was a design decision. It cost them time and money. When they claim largest X universe ever, what metric are they using exactly? After 7 years of development, recommended system requirements are unlisted at release? Buggy as hell... Is anyone Impressed with how things turned out? Me, not so much.


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