2003 interior station graphics.

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Fallent avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

So your ships don't fire on anything, and just sit there and die.
So the plotlines bugged, and you'll be lucky to complete it without multiple restarts.
So you can't turn your head inside the cockpit.
So the trading's completely bugged for most people.
So the game only has around four or five weapons.

We all know this game has its flaws... My question is, and I'd like to ask the greater community out there, what the bloody hell do you think Egosoft were thinking when they decided to add interiors to the stations?

Now, I realize walking around stations is something a small amount of vocal fans have wanted for a long time.

BUT WHAT THE FUCK WERE EGO THINKING? I mean... SERIOUSLY? I'm wondering what you guys think... Why did they add these interiors knowing that they never stood a chance of pulling them off?

The only idea I can come up with, is either to try compete with SCs interiors and be able to advertise Rebirth also has them, or for some strange console related reason.


Tonsilgon avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

I can imagine something like that:
They came up with that idea at some point and started to implement it. Then they tested it and (I am quite sure) came to the conclusion: "If we really want to have it in our game, we have to make a lot of designs and different stations, or abandon the whole idea."
Then time went on, money got critical and they had to rush the game. And there was no time either to make it right, either to abandon it.
As with a lot of design-ideas they tried and never implemented "right".


aiden avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 10 years ago.

It was an attempt to copy things from more popular games, to expand its consumer base. The attempt failed, just like the Map/UI/Highway system and other mini games were added in to make the game more casual and appeal to a broader market. Most of them failed in that they really do not add anything to the game and are more annoying then fun.


Ranalune avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

Well, while it is badly implemented, I can see some merits to it.
Not for the sake of immersion or trading.

But, if Ego or a Mod team decide to implement real interiors for ships, the preliminary code to move around is done. While landed on ships you can see outside and time is still flowing. So

It opens up awesome possibilities. But well, it is flawed if not used properly (and it is not yet)


Mauzi avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 10 years ago.

BUT WHAT THE FUCK WERE EGO THINKING? I mean... SERIOUSLY? I'm wondering what you guys think... Why did they add these interiors knowing that they never stood a chance of pulling them off?
- "Fallent"

They actually told us about it: "The release of X Rebirth was a great success".

What I think about it ? Well, since this is not about bugs but about intentionally omitted yet advertised game content that will take a year or two to implement, I opted for a refund. I might buy later again if the game is actually worth a penny.

Plus, I don't go the route that modders have to fix their game, aka they do the work while Egosoft gets the coins. So... whatever, alternatives aren't too far away anymore, now that Egosoft pushed the XR release date time over time.


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