Rebirth rant

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birdtable avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

This all reminds me of the Crane boys (Frasier) organising a new wine club after being ejected because of brotherly squabbles.....The wine was not important just everything else.
If i wanted a guild I would be on EVE.
I want an updated/improved/slicker Albion Prelude ...without the Rapid Response Fleets, the stupid stupid Stock Exchange, The War Zones, The bloody rocks that are always in your flight path......
I do not want to land on stations and go searching for goodies.
I do not want to cheat in ships and money.
I do not want to play missions that break the game ( yes you x-tended)
I do want mystery
I do want shock and awe
I do want ruthless enemies


jjhawk avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

I want a balanced game that brings back the foundations of TRADE/THINK/FIGHT/BUILD.. X2 was good, but not perfect, X3 brought one or two nice changes at the expense of some great features that they should have built on instead of abandoning through sheer lazyness..

Then came along Terran conflict... or rather Terran skirmish; to this day I cannot fathom where the conflict is.. This game brought a trend that ended the four elements the series was built on and concentrated on fight. Albion prelude In my eyes is everything the x-series was not intended to be and yes we can blame X-tended for this horrible mess.

All In all I pretty much agree with the OP


birdtable avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

My Rant was moved from the Star Citizen Sales Pitch to Roguey.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

@birdtable I was a bit confused what you were talking about, as it didnt seem to fit with SC. So I thought you were talking about XR and moved the post accordingly.


redheart avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 11 years ago.

Not happy at all with this game. I feel so lost inside just a few hours. Wishing I had never pre-bought it. Oh well. Maybe it will get better.


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

It is just so shallow... the depth, the sense of growth and adventure, everything gone.

There isn't even 1/4th of the ships in this game as there was in X3 and that doesn't even scratch the fact you can only fly one. What is with the weapons... the choice is bland.


MadArkael avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 11 years ago.

I agree there is a lot more combat in X3AP and TC, however, you'd pretty much have the same exact game if something wasn't different. The AI actually has weapons that can hurt you if you are stupid, so that's a thing. Vanilla X3 was rediculous in the fact that you could grab a xenon LX and break destroyers.

To make a statement regarding the OP's comments, I uninstalled it after 1 day of play. Supposedly modding looks far less limited than the previous games. So, it should be interesting to see what people's heads create. Smile Maybe I'll give it a go at a later date, but for now, eh I'm good.


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

@MadArkael... you know they could have followed the formula of X3 and you know, made it better... Nod


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well I do think modding isnt has limited however I still found quite a few limits. Awhile back I managed to swap the playership to Arawn, however none of the turrets would fire. The only way I got them to work was by forcing them (with a special .exe), but even then they only fired in the direction of the camera (and wouldnt stop) - so they basically didnt target things. However this was awhile back, so maybe its been changed? Although doubtful, which probably means you cant have a playership with turrets - which is a very limiting. The Skunk doesnt exactly have any command slots for turrets btw.

Here is the playership swapped with a Arawn:


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

The problem with modding this game is the engine is locked into some assumptions... like the one player ships, the boost, no turrets, that kind of thing. Very odd.


Staberind avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yup, Also : NDA, now, I am not trying to circumvent the nda, for what its worth, but have you seen any practical difference between the rc you were testing and the release? from what you are saying, I guess not.
to me, it reeks of an attempt to make a console friendly X game, badly ported to pc, while I think some of the assets are fantastic, the space gardens, for instance, everything else seems to be an excuse for not implementing traditional X features; "the gates all shut down, oh, and the
Paranid, Ka'ak,and Boron who were in each of the sectors suddenly died. en mass, after obliterating any and all of their technology oh, and using this ancient decrepid ship, you can cap destroyers with relative ease. so you have no need to change ships." yeah, that sounds like consolidation to me.
The rest of the series? awesome. Made sublime by a vast horde of talented Modders.
Rebirth, well, I hope Egosoft realise they turned their backs on the people who literally Gave their games massive replay value.

What changes were being talked about by yourselves, if thats a question I may ask?
What was your gut reaction after a couple of hours of shutupbetty?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

hi there, well I cant really go into detail about the testing process (cos of the NDA). But, on release day I thought we had different version because I found it odd that the game had uncompressed/decrypted saves. In the past egosoft have signed files, to stop people from changing the vanilla gameplay. Although shortly afterwards I learnt this wasnt the case, and the public could easily modify their saves too. I can understand why beta testers need to modify gamefiles, but the public shouldnt be able too.

as for a console version, Bernd can deny this has much as he likes. But XR is clearly based on a console - there is simply too much evidence to ignore (poor pc controls, the dumbing down, xbox controller support, radial menus, 1000's of xbox labels in the shader files etc.) - people arent stupid. Like someone else said on the official forums; if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and farts like a duck, its a duck! I think its very bad decision to say otherwise.

as for my thoughts and feelings, well I felt the game lacked awhile back. I struggled to find motivation, and I found it more interesting creating content (solving xml puzzles) than playing the game. Although I wasnt sure if it was just me being silly, and so carried on making content - not really understanding how it worked in-game (it was too confusing and broken). I felt royal to supporting egosoft, as I have over the years.

However wasnt quiet there, and posted many of my feelings/thoughts/suggestions in their forum (including a large reply just a few weeks ago). I felt more or less everything I said been pretty much ignored. This is why I said I wouldnt stand for anyone having ago at any of the testers, we did our part. Dont blame us, blame egosoft.

Now we seen the release, and the meta-critic scores have been posted. Its reconfirmed my feelings all that time ago.

So you can imagine why im a bit peed at egosoft now listening to public, asking them to beta test. Egosoft had a good test-team, which they ended up ignoring and then skipping over to the public. I thought when I joined I was going to be a part of the development, rather than being ignored. I know its not just me who feels like this. Its a shame things have turned into this..

I am not talking about bugs, those can be fixed.


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

Roguey, the only thing Egosoft wanted from us Dev Net members was to keep quiet through our NDA and prevent us from informing the public just how bad this game really was going to be.

They needed the pre-sales, they have been operating on life-support financially for over two years.

Judging from the numbers of users playing the game on a daily basis (down to 2500 from 14.5k) and the number of posts from people who either refunded or charged back their cards, I would say Egosoft is looking at a 25% return rate right now.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Judging from the numbers of users playing the game on a daily basis (down to 2500 from 14.5k) and the number of posts from people who either refunded or charged back their cards, I would say Egosoft is looking at a 25% return rate right now.
- BarrenEarth

Well there does seem a big drop in players now:

I am also noticing this trend my site too. Traffic is now around double of normal (ie. before rebirth release). To put this into context, on the first few days I had nearly 6/7 times more traffic (I think around half of egosoft - not totally sure on that one)! If it was a good game, then I would of expected the traffic to stay the same, or even increase. However for those days I hoped I help people.


jjhawk avatar
Level badge Markoguey (10)
Posted 11 years ago.

Not quite sure how you got the graph Roguey, but it would be nice to compare how many players are playing previous X-games and compare them..


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Not quite sure how you got the graph Roguey, but it would be nice to compare how many players are playing previous X-games and compare them..
- jjhawk

Well you can use the site to display the current activity. Although for X2, X3 and X3TC the stats look strangely low;


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