Rebirth Summary

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BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

This game is broken on very many different levels.- BarrenEarth

Never was there a truer statment... I've given up with it, Been looking in on the egosoft forum and all they seem to be doing is releasing beta patches, tried the first one and it made things worse, and it seems that all the recent beta patches are causing further problems, according to the threads I'm reading on there about them,.. I cant see this game ever getting fixed, I have to say, I'm suprised at the level of commitment the public are putting into the testing of the beta's in the hope of it doing some good.. or maybe I just give up too easily... LOL

It looks like there is no one out there with anything good to say about Rebirth, such a shame.
- Maverick

There is no one on the forums at ES because everyone who was critical of the game got banned and die hard fanboys got promoted to moderator.

Also, if you check, there is only 200 people playing the game today... there are more people playing the closed high end buy in of the elite alpha right now.


Maverick avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

This game is broken on very many different levels.- BarrenEarth

Never was there a truer statment... I've given up with it, Been looking in on the egosoft forum and all they seem to be doing is releasing beta patches, tried the first one and it made things worse, and it seems that all the recent beta patches are causing further problems, according to the threads I'm reading on there about them,.. I cant see this game ever getting fixed, I have to say, I'm suprised at the level of commitment the public are putting into the testing of the beta's in the hope of it doing some good.. or maybe I just give up too easily... LOL

It looks like there is no one out there with anything good to say about Rebirth, such a shame.- Maverick

There is no one on the forums at ES because everyone who was critical of the game got banned and die hard fanboys got promoted to moderator.

Also, if you check, there is only 200 people playing the game today... there are more people playing the closed high end buy in of the elite alpha right now.

- BarrenEarth

LOL Barren, yes I know what you mean, I have noticed how many posts have been locked out because of bad reviews.. lol I tried to like the game... 200+ hour worth of trying different thing to get it to work... and many restarts later... I came to the conclusion, that it really isn't worth the time, when there are so many other things I could be doing..... Like watching paint dry or something lol.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Stephen Hawking

BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

It got worse this week. Plynak a well known moderator who was critical of the game and Egosoft's handling of the release was fired from his moderator position and replaced by a ardent fanboy... that forum is devolving into a Yes-Man only network of about 6 people circle jerking about nothing.


Maverick avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

It got worse this week. Plynak a well known moderator who was critical of the game and Egosoft's handling of the release was fired from his moderator position and replaced by a ardent fanboy... that forum is devolving into a Yes-Man only network of about 6 people circle jerking about nothing.
- BarrenEarth

Yes tell me about it... I think I may have been band from EGO's forum... for telling a moderator that he was a joke... for basically telling me I had no right to say the game was in my opinion, crap, and that that was slagging off egosoft!!!! go figure, so I lost my temper with him... shameful I know, but he had to be told... lol

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Stephen Hawking

BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

The writing is on the wall that Bernd is doing everything he can to sell his company. The patches focus around stability only, no more content design and the communication non-existent. Obviously they lost a ton of money making this game.

My best guess is he is negotiating with whoever would be interested in buying the X franchise or Egosoft as a whole. I would not be surprised if he doesn't sell this coming fall and make an announcement about a year from now.


Maverick avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

The writing is on the wall that Bernd is doing everything he can to sell his company. The patches focus around stability only, no more content design and the communication non-existent. Obviously they lost a ton of money making this game.

My best guess is he is negotiating with whoever would be interested in buying the X franchise or Egosoft as a whole. I would not be surprised if he doesn't sell this coming fall and make an announcement about a year from now.
- BarrenEarth

Really?, well I can understand that I guess, you only have to look at any of the game reviews to see the damage releasing this game has done. I also found out the other day, that apparently, this game was never designed for the PC, but was made for xbox360, I posted some info I received from a friend of mine on here, (as you have seen), it is old news apparently, but although I had heard some rumblings along the way, didn't know it for certain, but as both you and Roguey have said, the proof is there, all a bit technical for me though.. lol @ 53 yrs old, (this coming May), I still enjoy playing the games, and when it comes down to building my own computers, I don't have any problems... but where the real technical stuff is concerned with programming software and stuff... you might as well stick me upside down in a barrel and tell me to pee in the corner! Confused

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Stephen Hawking

Fallent avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

There is no one on the forums at ES because everyone who was critical of the game got banned and die hard fanboys got promoted to moderator.
- BarrenEarth

So true. Not just recently since the games launch, but in the entire year leading up to it. Seen so many people like yourself, who saw the coming conn, called Ego out on it and were then banned for some ridiculous reason.


DangerClose avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Well too damned bad. Screw Rebirth and screw Egosoft. Let's go back to X3. Albion Prelude was good, right?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

Let's go back to X3. Albion Prelude was good, right?
- DangerClose

X-BTF to X3AP were all good games Smile


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Let's go back to X3. Albion Prelude was good, right?- DangerClose
X-BTF to X3AP were all good games
- Roguey

We need a Bumper Sticker: "If you liked Terran Conflict and Albion Prelude thank a Modder"


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

There are about as many people playing this game now as there are posting in this section of poor Roguey's forums.

RIP Rebirth

RIP Egosoft

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