This game is broken on very many different levels.- BarrenEarth
Never was there a truer statment... I've given up with it, Been looking in on the egosoft forum and all they seem to be doing is releasing beta patches, tried the first one and it made things worse, and it seems that all the recent beta patches are causing further problems, according to the threads I'm reading on there about them,.. I cant see this game ever getting fixed, I have to say, I'm suprised at the level of commitment the public are putting into the testing of the beta's in the hope of it doing some good.. or maybe I just give up too easily... LOL
It looks like there is no one out there with anything good to say about Rebirth, such a shame.
- Maverick
This game is broken on very many different levels.- BarrenEarth
Never was there a truer statment... I've given up with it, Been looking in on the egosoft forum and all they seem to be doing is releasing beta patches, tried the first one and it made things worse, and it seems that all the recent beta patches are causing further problems, according to the threads I'm reading on there about them,.. I cant see this game ever getting fixed, I have to say, I'm suprised at the level of commitment the public are putting into the testing of the beta's in the hope of it doing some good.. or maybe I just give up too easily... LOL
It looks like there is no one out there with anything good to say about Rebirth, such a shame.
- Maverick
There is no one on the forums at ES because everyone who was critical of the game got banned and die hard fanboys got promoted to moderator.
Also, if you check, there is only 200 people playing the game today... there are more people playing the closed high end buy in of the elite alpha right now.