Very much agreed. Btw if i was doing split artwork they would have patterned rows of these:
Sadly UV is not a good artist =)
The female companion..
Board Index » X: Rebirth » The female companion..
Boguey (2)
Boguey (2)
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
hehe, yea something like that for the split, the earlier split female I think has too smooth skin. Although I cant really understand why humans/us want to do that to our skin. I hate seeing stretched skin.
Boneguey (9)
Boneguey (9)
I agree with you Roguey, just a voice which may help us fly our ship what ever that may be. But see her I think not, but may be just a face on an internal screen. Please don't all of you thow knives and axes at me, but I do feel that they have put in so much to the look around the ships. The gate for example, is fantastic but I was a grahic artist. I have no wish to put a dampner on your wishes, but they have not given us any real information on the game only general ideas.
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
I agree, for the amount of time its been in development we really dont know much about rebirth. Its odd cos a lot of developers normally want us to get excited about new features.
Boneguey (9)
Boneguey (9)
I have been talking to an Englishman who lives in Germany and is an X fanatic. He together with his friends are very disappointed with the lack of good publicity and interest showing details. They feel that this is bad for the game and the release date of the next adventure. No big come on and little to look forward to, no conversation about the information which exites them. In all a very poor public relations job on this game sofar. What will happen nearer to Christmas people will be intested in another type game.
The Old Man
The Old Man
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
very true, egosoft havnt been posting much stuff. Most of the content we have is either from articles or fan made - like videos (even these ego didnt want us to see).
Skillguey (7)
Skillguey (7)
Hiya Roguey & Peeps,
Yes Roguey, I'm still alive....
What everybody seems to be forgetting is, it's not EgoSoft who has control over when & what is released to the public (aka us...), but rather the publisher(s), who has control over what & when stuff about X:Rebirth is released.....
Given 1/2 a chance I'm sure ES (EgoSoft) would love to provide us with more snippets about the new game, but for some reason I suspect the publisher is keeping everything very hush-hush.... Why is anyone's guess...
So if anyone's to blame for lack of current info, I very much suspect they're the issue... (just my humble opinion )
Cheers & Thranx
**EDIT** Reworded slightly... **END EDIT**
Yes Roguey, I'm still alive....
What everybody seems to be forgetting is, it's not EgoSoft who has control over when & what is released to the public (aka us...), but rather the publisher(s), who has control over what & when stuff about X:Rebirth is released.....
Given 1/2 a chance I'm sure ES (EgoSoft) would love to provide us with more snippets about the new game, but for some reason I suspect the publisher is keeping everything very hush-hush.... Why is anyone's guess...
So if anyone's to blame for lack of current info, I very much suspect they're the issue... (just my humble opinion )
Cheers & Thranx
**EDIT** Reworded slightly... **END EDIT**
change without Subject to notice.... watch this space... (<-- --> this one, not that one.. --> <-- )
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
hey m8, nice to see your still around - good to see you are.
anyway... Are you sure its Koch Media with holding information? has ego said so? who ever is holding information, it seems a crazy pr move them. surely they should be making the community go crazy with new information, screens etc. Its their new game.
So far we have a bunch of images and just a few articles (and even some of them worry me, X without SETA/space lanes is worrying, not to mention one ship and focus on silly drones!). It all-most feel like ego are a shamed of their work in some ways. Ah well, time will tell I guess.
anyway... Are you sure its Koch Media with holding information? has ego said so? who ever is holding information, it seems a crazy pr move them. surely they should be making the community go crazy with new information, screens etc. Its their new game.
So far we have a bunch of images and just a few articles (and even some of them worry me, X without SETA/space lanes is worrying, not to mention one ship and focus on silly drones!). It all-most feel like ego are a shamed of their work in some ways. Ah well, time will tell I guess.
Boneguey (9)
Boneguey (9)
Hi Novacatt,
If you right about the publicity being with held then they are doing ES a real bad service and something should be done about it. We should all be talking about the information that we have from their public relations department. As the release date is coming up, we need to know something concrete not wispers.
The Old Man
If you right about the publicity being with held then they are doing ES a real bad service and something should be done about it. We should all be talking about the information that we have from their public relations department. As the release date is coming up, we need to know something concrete not wispers.
The Old Man
Markoguey (10)
Markoguey (10)
Why not be a female and have a male companion for once
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