Just now finally started Rebirth any must have mod

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BastiColler avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

I am currently playing through the campaign and have realized the need for the "show me your skills" mod to avoid having to constantly do the mini game. Are there any other mods that are necessary or recommended?

Also is it worth putting too much time into Rebirth or are other titles considered better (X3, X4)?


BastiColler avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

I am currently playing through the campaign and have realized the need for the "show me your skills" mod to avoid having to constantly do the mini game. Are there any other mods that are necessary or recommended? https://getappvalley.com/

Also is it worth putting too much time into Rebirth or are other titles considered better (X3, X4)?

issue got solved!


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