Need help with the game

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jinakolis avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 2 years ago.

I bought all the games in X series except the latest one(X foundations). I am completely new to this game and have no idea what so ever. I have installed X Rebirth and am trying to play. It would be helpful for me ifm you guys give me tips about the game, mods which make the game better and other stuff. Thanks in advance for the help.


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 2 years ago.

Start by reading Roguey's walkthrough.

One tip I would give for Rebirth though, don't rush headlong into the first mission. The lady who jumps aboard your ship at the start will start nagging and give you directions, but once the little tutorial element is done, go off and do some bulletin board etc. missions so you can start upgrading the Skunk. Otherwise it's surprisingly easy to come unstuck during the early part of the campaign against enemies who are tougher than they ought to be, like the drone attack when you go to retrieve your freighter. You will also learn how to navigate the highways etc. that way.

Would also recommend getting the DLC, at least the Home Of Light, as this will make the mid game mission where you have to build a URV Forge so much easier.


BigVern avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 2 years ago.

Slight amendment to the above. You probably need to do the first couple of Tasha's (?) little missions to get the Skunk up and running, but don't go for the freighter until you've done a bit of ground work.

Must admit though, having previously played through to the end(ish) of the main plot, I'm having difficulty re-engaging with the game this time round. Running under Win 10 and the joystick seems decidedly twitchy compared to when I last played the game which I'm sure was under Win 7.


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