Price goes up?

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bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

When Rebirth comes out, I am expecting the price to be £20-30.... I am expecting the prices of all the other games to go up, cause people who buy Rebirth as their first X game, will want to buy the other 5 to see what it was all about.

X Beyond the Frontier - Avg price about £5, I don't expect this to go up as its really old.
X tension - Avg about £10 - Don't expect this to go up.
X2 The Threat - Avg about £5-7 I still see this commercially sold. If it does go up, I expect less than £1 increase.

X3 Reunion- There are two versions of this, Standard and GOTY version. I expect at least a £5 increase from ego.

X Terran Conflict - Avg is about £20, I expect this to go up between £5-10... actually the most expensive I saw was german version for £44.50 :O

What do you think?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

I highly doubt the prices will go up, if anything will drop more. People will want to play the next big thing rather than pick-up the old games - I think many of us are playing the older games to bridge the gap until rebirth is out.


bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

I mean more for people you are first brought into the X games through Rebirth, if this game has any reference to the Xenon, Kha'ak, Julian/Kyle Brennan, Terracorp....etc they may want to find out where it comes from.


Elsenor avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

I do want to play Rebirth but I also do not want to pay an arm and a leg for it. I would like to know what sort of price, Ball Park Figure, and what I need to do to my getting on a bit computer. How are the graphics going to be handled with my G card etc and anything that will help me play. WHY THE SILENCE. We are all committed players, me since the very first, in monochrome.


Dezonus avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 10 years ago.

Rebirth is meant to be set 500 years after TC from what I've read. Brennan will be likely a thing of the past like Gunne...

If the Xenon are relevant, I have no doubt they'll do a recap in the intro like they do pretty much every game. Jonferco will likely be heavily involved due to the game being restricted to Albion due to the closure of the gates...

I doubt they'll put the price up for the old titles. I got X Superbox about a year ago (had never heard about it, other than that it came up in Steam Bargains at half price), but haven't really played anything much other than X3:AP. It's a matter of that its the newest and best graphically, I don't really feel like going backwards.

Rebirth, on the other hand, is listed as $10 more than Superbox...


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