there is a lot of speculation about the Skunk, including customising it (physically)... i personally dont see that happening but hey, maybe... would be pretty cool (just got an image of "PIMP MY SKUNK"). but yeh i do think the AP version is pretty ugly... but something i have noticed about the model itself. if you look at the "wings" down the sides and also the Engine housing it looks like they are almost hinged... this perhaps could mean in Rebirth they could move, leveling the ship out, and changing the configuration slightly, a bit like how the S Foils on the X Wing could change some properties of that. yeh its pure specualtion but with a more powerful engine and new game entirely its gotta be a possibility.
i would also agree with EGO about the Skunk being an M6. from what gets posted it look like the majority of people prefer playing M6's... HCP's, Hypes, SB's being among the most comon playerships. so i suppose it makes sense giving the player an M6 as the playership. just hope the thing can be upgraded to something useful which the one in AP isn't.
tho' we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
- Tennyson