Good Game... tough loss

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BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Just wanted to say I couldn't care less when Rebirth comes out. The videos and information that has been released by Chris Roberts over the last week has been monumental and I won't be spending a dime on Egosoft products with their outdated engine and graphics and limitations built in to draw a more simple crowd.

SC just won hands down, these two games are like comparing Minecraft to Starcraft... not even close.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

I can understand how you feel; I dont think there been any news posts by ego for awhile now. Okay, there's been a few dev videos and that, but some of them have been a little odd. I cant really say much more than that atm.

However over on RSI, the guys have gone mad posting stuff.


BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Chris Roberts said in one of his live chats that since he wasn't going to E3 he wanted to give us a reason not to care he didn't go.

So he started his information blitz.

Certain levels of donors get access to the ship creator and hanger modifier in 6 or 7 weeks. Good Night Egosoft.


SpiritOfDeath avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 10 years ago.

SC just won hands down, these two games are like comparing Minecraft to Starcraft... not even close.
- BarrenEarth

I cant let anyone go with saying that. Minecraft and Starcraft are completely different games. Minecraft, a slow paced survival game, where you build houses and try to survive the monsters of the night. Starcraft: a game in which you must gather resources, build an army, outsmart your opponents and blow up their base. The only similarity i can see is that you can gather resources. This goes the same for XR and SC, the only similarity i could find with the minuscule amount of information i could find on either game, is that they both take place in space and you can shoot things.

Do not compare cows to sheep. It just doesn't work.

Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! *falls over*

don't look at me D:

BarrenEarth avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

SC just won hands down, these two games are like comparing Minecraft to Starcraft... not even close.- BarrenEarth
I cant let anyone go with saying that. Minecraft and Starcraft are completely different games. Minecraft, a slow paced survival game, where you build houses and try to survive the monsters of the night. Starcraft: a game in which you must gather resources, build an army, outsmart your opponents and blow up their base. The only similarity i can see is that you can gather resources. This goes the same for XR and SC, the only similarity i could find with the minuscule amount of information i could find on either game, is that they both take place in space and you can shoot things.

Do not compare cows to sheep. It just doesn't work.
- SpiritOfDeath

Which would make the Minecraft to Starcraft analogy... perfect.


Link avatar
Level badge Eagleguey (11)
Posted 10 years ago.

... you cant compare star craft with minecraft or x rebirth. they aren't the same genre. Also try something before passing judgement, it makes sense and gives you validation.


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 10 years ago.

Don't start an argument, we don't do those here...

I will be the one to take you down!

Sorry but this thread has been locked.