I'm a beginner, how do I play this game?

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pinaldeni avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

Hi, I'd like to mention that I bought X3: Reunion when it was on sale. I've played 2 hours without really knowing what I need to do. I've a few questions that I'd be really thankful if someone were to answer them.

What's the difference between X3: Reunion, X3:TC and X3: Albion Prelude?

How do I progress in the game

I chose to play as Julian, and my first task is to find Kha'ak ships in Red Light. I haven't been able to find them. Where can I find them?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 1 year ago.

X3 era are just part of a larger franchise, as the x-games started with X-BTF, after moving onto X-Tension, X2, X3, X3TC, X3AP, X3FL and finally X4. I did make a fairwell video ages back (when I thought things were rather dire after the release of Rebirth). Most of the video is still relevant and should bring you up to speed about the overal story-line;


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