Tricky Situation - Damn Damn Damn !!

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suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Ok Today i have been busy building a Closed Fab of 16 firestorm & 16 Hammers fab in guiding star.

77 Factories including 11 total ore and silicon damn awful to move i can tell you.

but i do like pretty fabs.



anyway just on the last bit of completing the Fab in jumps RRF (argon).

1 M1 colossus
2 M2's Titan
1 centaur.

I scans the M1 colossus and guess what its got in its cargo a JUMP BEACON !!. Alien Dance 2

Now the tricky question is how do i handle it ?

i want the JB but i have just invested 350million in my FAB. and a lot of time.


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

Very nice complex! I also found a RRF with a jump beacon in Guiding Star. I decided to leave it alone since I didn't really need it though.


suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.


Martimus but........ i have not got one. Confused

i have been scanning for one for sometime and had no luck this is very tempting but i feel could be bad for my fab Big grin


PuppyOfWar avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 12 years ago.

So, to summarize:

You're seekin' a beacon but fear a jab at your fab in retribution for your jumpdrive solution. If one tosses that Colossus, maybe the AI wrecks the complex?


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.


Martimus but........ i have not got one. Confused

i have been scanning for one for sometime and had no luck this is very tempting but i feel could be bad for my fab Big grin

- suzukigsxr

I don't have one either. I just figured the consequences were worse than getting a jump beacon. Nothing might happen, but if you go -2 with them, then they will attack the complex.


Rassyu avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

is save and give it a try,a jump beacon would be awesome to have.but ya risking you're complex if you drop to -2 aint really worth it,if it does not work out you can always wait for a RRF in an other sector/race.


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 12 years ago.

I dont have any Boron complexes, so I figured that I would look for Boron RRF with jump beacons. Never found one. I wonder if only the Terrans and Argon have them?


Rassyu avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

I dont have any Boron complexes, so I figured that I would look for Boron RRF with jump beacons. Never found one. I wonder if only the Terrans and Argon have them?
- martimus

i have seen some terran RRF on my first game of AP so if you are at war with them they would be the best choice.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

Well.. is a jump beacon that good? If you sell it then your only get half (something like 175 million), or if you deploy it then jumps to one sector are a little shorter. I would leave it alone, the complex is more important.


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

I can understand it from a Terran perspective, there are still certain sectors of the Solar System Itend not to go to because of the lack of JB. (Reunion Flashback...)
Maybe for Albion if you have business there.

Edit; Is there really no Silicon in Albion? Undecided

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Thanks to all for everyones advice sort of confused the situation Beer

no sorry not confused just added a little spice into the situation.

I have 22% Hero of the federation Rep ,so losing a bit of rep i feel want hurt it certainly wont take long to rebuild as i lost rep with paranid when i capped a hyperion and 2 agamemnon's Banana step dancing.

but i am thinking the fab is more important i've got his number and pray he buggers off somewhere else then follow him.

fully loaded with my new missles.

the one thing it has helped building this fab i have alot more marines and plenty of flails (1500) and counting.

so back to a bit more capping and ignore the bugger but it just feels like he's sticking his bottom in my face while having had a good curry Big grin



suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.


bit the bullet decided to chicken out love my fab too much to have it attacked was a bit peeved taunting me with the lovely JB Sniper.

so off i wander back to black hole sun tidy things up replenish my energy cells etc,etc.

i then start just checking my normal sectors for anything interesting Xenon,capital ships pirates etc.

i then look in thynns abyss and there is a RRF split python.

I decide to pop over and give it a scan GUESS What !! its got a JB lucky or what !!

so its in sector with 2 m3 border control nothing else. i jump out back to black hole sun and jump into my cobra and jump back into Thynns abyss change my rep from friendly to (going to kill you).and fire off flails once i got his attention i change back to my thumb slipped pal (friendly) Big grin

hes red and after a few tries all my men start boarding SAVE!! sigh of relief

i get right through to level 5 save again no losses yet there in space are 9 marines starts hacking says we have control and GONE !!!! Cuss

reload try again same thing jumps (curse you i say under my breath).

soooooo. i reload back to boarding at level 1.

watch it go through my wife is watchin me (giggling at same time as she does not understand the appeal of this great game)i holld my hands with bated breath egging my marines on same thing hacking bugger jumps !!! Exp

I decide to go make a coffee pondering the situation i then decide another try at the point of boarding and guess what all they way through captured python 6 photon pulse cannons 9 HEPT 6 frag launchers

and 1 Jump Beacon .... Banana winner

move my marines back to cobra get my hyperion to sweep up marines 9 dropped but picked up 7 sent him to military Outpost for Training, moved my newly aquired JB across. when my hyperion had completed got him back to thynns abyss move across into hyperion with jb cobra jumped back to black hole sun.

i docked at trading station in thynns abyss to pick a split license up DONE !!!!!

lost 1 and a bit rep with Split i was already maxed out with them so no worries.

repaired python i had 97% hull so had not got one and i do miss not having split m1's & m2's so.... not fully loaded with IBL's and PPL and flaks's protecting guiding star of all places.

now if i get picked on i am going to jump my Xenon I in Driving


Rassyu avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

grats on the JB.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 12 years ago.

A big congratulations on the jump-beacon. Sounds you like had fun Smile

What are you going to do with the JB? sell it, or deploy it?


Ripskar avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 12 years ago.

Drop it near the SY in Senator's.
Ready for more piracy... Hammer

Somewhere out there is a Cobra Mk III with my name on it.
It isn't mine, some rando actually wrote my name across the side of his ship...

suzukigsxr avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 12 years ago.

Keep it

what a waste to sell i have over 2billion credits. i keep it with me used it today ready for boarding i dropped my JB. bring my cobra and hyperion in capped another Xenon Q in Grand Exchange.


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