I'm having a problem with keeping some of my factories funded. It's rather the opposite of the topic previously discussed here. Instead of wanting to transfer money from a station, I want the reverse, and have money automatically transferred to a station. In this case it's my PHQ, which I want to make sure always has enough money to keep the ship building/repair resources in stock.
I can't help but thinking that I've gone about this backwards. I've got a self sufficient complex in the same sector from which I can get the supplies, and I've automated a CLS Demeter XL to ferry the cargo. The setup works fine, so long as the PHQ is funded, but it seems odd to me that I have to buy and sell from myself. Is there a way to just transfer the wares without that part? I feel like I'm missing something obvious. If not, and you do have to buy from yourself, how do I keep the PHQ funded without my attention?
Automatic Money Transfer


Instruguey (13)

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Boneguey (9)

CLS does not require you to sell to yourself. You might be buying stuff from CAGs, UTs, or NPCs instead.
Load up the save game I posted a while back and look at how my CLS haulers work to see how to transfer parts without selling them. (I havent played in a month or so, so I cant remember how to set it up off the top of my head. )
Load up the save game I posted a while back and look at how my CLS haulers work to see how to transfer parts without selling them. (I havent played in a month or so, so I cant remember how to set it up off the top of my head. )

Instruguey (13)

I'm having trouble finding that post. Where did you put it?
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Boneguey (9)

In the show us your fleet thread.
I found it and pasted it above. Make sure you use external commodity logistics and not internal. I think that may have been yoir problem.
I found it and pasted it above. Make sure you use external commodity logistics and not internal. I think that may have been yoir problem.

Instruguey (13)

Oh balls, I was indeed using internal, thinking it meant in my company. Thanks for the correction and the save, I ought to be ok now.
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Instruguey (13)

Ok, I see how it's working with the load/unload at the waypoints, but I have two questions. If one of the complex hub's orders is Load 1000 Energy Cells, and at the PHQ it unloads only 500, when it next goes back to the complex will it load a further 1000, bringing the total in it's cargo to 1500? Or will it load another 500 to make 1000 the total.
Or is that what the "Load up to" command means? Load up so that you have 1000, or does it mean load 1000 or as many as there are in the complex, then proceed to the next waypoint.
I'm trying to get one freighter to cart all of the wares from the complex to the PHQ, and I don't want its cargo bay getting bunged up with excess stuff it can't unload.
Also, I see you've got marines training at a variety of locations. Do they train faster if they're split up than if they're all training at the same place?
Or is that what the "Load up to" command means? Load up so that you have 1000, or does it mean load 1000 or as many as there are in the complex, then proceed to the next waypoint.
I'm trying to get one freighter to cart all of the wares from the complex to the PHQ, and I don't want its cargo bay getting bunged up with excess stuff it can't unload.
Also, I see you've got marines training at a variety of locations. Do they train faster if they're split up than if they're all training at the same place?
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Boneguey (9)

The load up to command will load the cargo until it gets that amount. So in your example, the freighter will load an additional 500 units to make 1000 total. Unload up to works the same way.
As for the marines, I just train them where I buy them. I keep a TP at each of the military bases that sell marines and buy the marines that have at least 2 stars in fighting. I then run them through training to get them 5 stars in all other categories and just pick them up when I need them.
As for the marines, I just train them where I buy them. I keep a TP at each of the military bases that sell marines and buy the marines that have at least 2 stars in fighting. I then run them through training to get them 5 stars in all other categories and just pick them up when I need them.

Instruguey (13)

Ok, I think I have it working now, thanks. To be clear though, there's no way to make your factory/station always have money other than manually transferring to it? I have some that currently rely on buying from AI traders.
Also, what re your Drakes doing? They're just flying around in circles as far as I can see...
Also, what re your Drakes doing? They're just flying around in circles as far as I can see...
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Fightguey (6)

As far as I know the only way to auto xfer money is using a script like this one: http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=251776 ... but I think it sets the **Modified** tag, if that's an issue for you.

Boneguey (9)

Ok, I think I have it working now, thanks. To be clear though, there's no way to make your factory/station always have money other than manually transferring to it? I have some that currently rely on buying from AI traders.
Also, what re your Drakes doing? They're just flying around in circles as far as I can see...
- Seygantte
Also, what re your Drakes doing? They're just flying around in circles as far as I can see...
- Seygantte
The Drakes keep my HQ stocked with all the equipment I use. They also restock it with the ship building supplies as ships get built. They also auto-restock my capitals so they keep jump fuel and missiles full without the need to micro-manage.

Instruguey (13)

The Drakes keep my HQ stocked with all the equipment I use. They also restock it with the ship building supplies as ships get built. They also auto-restock my capitals so they keep jump fuel and missiles full without the need to micro-manage.
- martimus
How are they doing that if their waypoints don't contain any orders to collect or unload said wares?
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Boneguey (9)

How are they doing that if their waypoints don't contain any orders to collect or unload said wares?
- Seygantte
The ones in Argon Prime are just running in circles. They are training to be used as higher level CAGs or CLS2 pilots.

Trueguey (22)

hmmm.. I guess an option to transfer money away from your account isnt there has it could cause problems. Say you got a TL hired (with stations), then a complex takes all your money. The TL goes through a gate and wants payment. However with no money, the TL gets angry and unhire itself (losing the stations on the TL).
Surely if you got enough money, cant you just transfer a few million to the PHQ? I do find my auto-traders keep trying to sell stuff to my HQ anyway - shame there isnt an ignore sector (without the bonus pack).
Surely if you got enough money, cant you just transfer a few million to the PHQ? I do find my auto-traders keep trying to sell stuff to my HQ anyway - shame there isnt an ignore sector (without the bonus pack).

Boneguey (9)

hmmm.. I guess an option to transfer money away from your account isnt there has it could cause problems. Say you got a TL hired (with stations), then a complex takes all your money. The TL goes through a gate and wants payment. However with no money, the TL gets angry and unhire itself (losing the stations on the TL).
Surely if you got enough money, cant you just transfer a few million to the PHQ? I do find my auto-traders keep trying to sell stuff to my HQ anyway - shame there isnt an ignore sector (without the bonus pack).
- Roguey
Surely if you got enough money, cant you just transfer a few million to the PHQ? I do find my auto-traders keep trying to sell stuff to my HQ anyway - shame there isnt an ignore sector (without the bonus pack).
- Roguey
A few million usually isn't enough for an HQ, but I keep mine at 100M which I usually don't need to refill.

Instruguey (13)

Surely if you got enough money, cant you just transfer a few million to the PHQ? I do find my auto-traders keep trying to sell stuff to my HQ anyway - shame there isnt an ignore sector (without the bonus pack).
- Roguey
- Roguey
There's a sector/station blacklists which I think would do that job and stop your own traders, and the station can disable trading with other races.
hmmm.. I guess an option to transfer money away from your account isnt there has it could cause problems. Say you got a TL hired (with stations), then a complex takes all your money. The TL goes through a gate and wants payment. However with no money, the TL gets angry and unhire itself (losing the stations on the TL).
- Roguey
- Roguey
Easy work around: The logic would look something like
IF ( ( main > a+(b-station) ) AND ( station < b ) )
THEN transfer (b-station) from main to station
THEN transfer (b-station) from main to station
Thereby keeping your main account as the priority but still transferring excess to your station. Essentially the reverse of how it currently works, but with an added < check.
*Edit* changed the logic
ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Noguey (0)

I had a similar problem with the Hub when doing the hub plot in TC. The workaround I used was to home base my ST/LT/UTs to the hub. That way any profits they made went to the hubs account and I had an auto money transfer set to something like 50million to transfer extra back to the player account.
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