Unorthodox boarding method...

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Ladoc avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

So I've been playing X3:AP for a few weeks now and after 2-3 failed attemts I finally started a somewhat decent
playthrough... (Self-sufficient E-cell loop,a few Wasp and Typhoon factories, a dozen traders, etc.)
I've been using a Griffon Sentinel as a playership for quite a while now, but I must say that I enjoyed fighting with maneuverable M3(+),M6 much more.
So I decided to get myself a Hyperion Vanguard to still be able to handle M6+ and M7's with little difficulty and occasionally hop onto a M3+ or M5 to quickly get somwhere or do certain missions.
I have no experience in boarding and I also don't want to spend too much time with it in the near future, so I'd like to keep my expenses as low as possible...
I already collected 6 Marines with 3 Stars in fighting and they're currently training all other abilities to three Stars...
I also found a Hyperion Vanguard and are currently pursuing him with one of my M3's.
Since I currently don't own a M6 that is even remotely ready for action I'd like to board the Hyp with my Griffon and a Teladi Geochen. (Stripping the shields and using ID's to remove the Sentry Lasers and some Weapons with my Griffon while keeping the Geochen out of Range and then beaming into the Geochen and outmaneuvering the Hyp to board)
To all you experienced boarding experts out there:
Is this a dumb Idea or worth a shot?

Imma firin mah lazor!

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well boarding with anything else than a M7M is hard work, as the marines will fly out of the ship and try chasing the ship for ages. Its fine if the ship doesnt move however, like a Aran or the Atmospheric lifter (when it docks to unload its drones).

However launching your marines in a missile is far better, as it travels much quicker and straight to the target. Plus you have Hammers and Flails to bring down the shields, then flails to hold them down. A M7M is a much more costly way of doing it, but so much easier. Maybe others have better experiences with boarding with other ships?


Kirlack avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 11 years ago.

Actually Ladoc, your described method is quite sound Smile The only thing I can see being a problem for you doing it that way is SPEED. The HV moves faster than your Griffon, and I think faster than your Geochen? This measn it'll constantly be pulling away from you when you're trying to get your marines into a good position.

Also, the Griffon needs to be set up to NOT fire whilst your boys are in the air. Ion fire is fatal to marines in space. You'll want a different loadout for after the shields are down, maybe PACs?

It'll take a good long time to do it, but in my experience once a ship is fully stripped of all weapons it'll stop dead in space, making your boarding attempt far easier.

Give it a try, see how you do. Good luck! Big grin

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Ladoc avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

I forgot to mention that after I switch to the Geochen I will tell the Griffon to stand down
and use Wasp Missiles to keep the shields down and cover the marines...
(I have a factory for Wasps, since I discovered that shooting M4(+) and M5's with my Griffon
takes way too long)
400 or so should be enough...
With a little luck the Hyp will be too busy chasing my Griffon to avoid my boarding attempts.
In one of the Sectors it patrols through (Unholy Descent) the Hyp just cruises at 70km/h for
some reason, which is where I'll strike and first hit it hard enough with CIGs and HEPTs
before switching to IDs to reduce its max speed to about 120km/h (eg damaging it to about 75% hull)
I'm currently out of town so I won't really be able to try this until next week, will keep you briefed though...

Imma firin mah lazor!

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yea, best of luck with boarding.


martimus avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 11 years ago.

A Skiron works well to take a Hyperion. It has the firepower and speed to do the job, but the best way is to use Hornets to bring down the shields to keep the Hyperion from changing course after you knock out its shields before your marines land.


ConCorDian avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 11 years ago.

for spacewalk boarding the best thing on your side, which has already been stated, is speed! also being a decent pilot can be a big part of it as well... for spacewalk boarding you really need to get into the ships flight path, but not close enough to make it veer off. this can take a bit of practise, by try spacewalking a SpringBlossom moving at 360m/s..... unless you drop those marines in its flight path they will never reach it.

for that ive grown to really like the Split Ocelot. silkworms and wasps can augment the firepower (and they are fairly easy to buy as well) and you have plenty of marines!! plus its faster than majority ships youll be trying to cap in this way. for me its a win win.

if its a combat M6 you want for the job then id say to try the Split Dragon... its amazing how much damage 8 forward firing ISR's can put out and its the only commonwealth corvette thats faster than the Hype.

big point to watch though with both the ships i mentioned above... they aint exactly got fortress level sheilding... and that Hype has 12 forward firing weapons!! even with HEPT's it can hammer you hard if you make the target too easy

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