Damn pirates.

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bozo64r avatar
Level badge Miltaguey (15)
Posted 11 years ago.

Strange... I wonder if there is scrip that allows races to blow whole sectors up.

It would be nice if the Terran War actually did that... I would quite happily see a Terran fleet wipe our Imicron Lyrea and the Commenwealth fleets to the same to Jupiter or Mars... its strange really that all they do is have a face off...


Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

Yep. I was rather disappointed that the war was mainly in these front lines.

I mean it does make sense for argons against terrans: they use accelerators instead of jumpgates for a reason. To easier defend their core sectors.
But for terrans? they could invade on of the argon core sector easily, but they dont. Plothole?

p.s. the void of opportunity stands the same. The split fleet is still around in this sector, and the 2 pirate stations are still there. Everything else is quiet here.


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

Gentlemen, I believe that the Improved Races 2.0 script is what you are looking for. I came across this a looong time ago and a quick search has brought it up again, and with an update to boot. Once I have completed the new plots, it's one that I intend to add myself.

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

I mean it does make sense for argons against terrans: they use accelerators instead of jumpgates for a reason. To easier defend their core sectors. But for terrans? they could invade on of the argon core sector easily, but they dont. Plothole?

Ahh.. that is true. It wouldnt be much of a war if the Terran's just invade any Argon sector, at any-time although.


foxxbl avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 11 years ago.

Sorry to hear, I finished this plot in my late game.
When I came to Void Of Opportunity I brought 8 M2s, 2 M7s and 3 M6s to cleanup complete pirate force together with the 3 installations (Pirate Base, Rehabilitation Facility and PBG Forge )..

So far, they aren't trying to return back..

Trade rank: Magnate
Fight rank: Crusader
Flying: 13-08:13


DangerClose avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

If the Terrans launched an attack on an Argon core sector, they would need to send AT LEAST two capital ships to just deal with local security. Then 10 seconds later, the Argon Navy would send reinforcements to counter the attack. Remember both sides can use the jumpgates. The Terrans would have two options. Run screaming like little girls, or engage the Argons in a battle of attrition in one of their core worlds.
The latter option would cost ships, and leave the Terran borders open to attack during the engagement. The whole jumpdrive thing makes war extremely fast-paced and unpredictable, as seen in Fate of Worlds by Larry Niven. Every ship in every fleet would be jumping every 10-20 seconds (at most) to launch hit-and-run attacks and keep away from superior forces doubtlessly trying to jump in right next to them.
The only way for Argon victory is to send a fleet too powerful for the Terrans to counter to Terran space while keeping their "important" sectors secure enough to hold out until the Terrans are defeated. The Terrans could win by destroying Argon ships until they can no longed defend their territories or by bleeding the Argons of energy cells, leaving their ships immobile and their sectors open to attack. If the Terrans ever ran out of energy cells, they would simply have to rally at choke points and obliterate anyone foolish enough to besiege them. But that would be too hard to engineer into the game code.

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