Hello to Everyone-Admetes' Diary

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Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

Just wanted to say Hello to everyone on this board!
I am playing at the moment X3AP with about 200 hours gametime.
I am taking things nice and slow.
I finished all the plots except for the Shady Business one(I started argon peacekeeper start).

Now recently I am playing with a bit of logistics and expanding my merchant fleet.

I havent got much of a firepower without counting fighters I have got just a Yaki Senshi (m7m), an Argon Titan(m2) and an Argon Centaur (m6) given by the plot. I have a Khaak Corvette though almost fully equipped with their lasers.
(very spiky ship I keep destroying things by flying nearby them )

My stations/complexes so far are in 4 sectors. Slowly Expanding them and tweaking.

Anyway just a bit of my "adventure".

Cya around Smile


RandomTank avatar
Level badge Assoguey (17)
Posted 11 years ago.

Welcome to the Forum Admetes! Seems like you're doing quite well in that AP save; good choice on the Titan, one of my personal favourites! The Khaak Corvette is a very fearsome ship, you're lucky to have one, as there isn't much better for sniping fighters! What complexes do you have up currently? And where have you stuck 'em?

I will be the one to take you down!

Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hi and welcome to the site.

sounds like you got some good ships although you got a bit of away to go to get the best ships such as the Xenon I and Mega.

How much money do you have?


Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

Some Info and forgive me for the wall of text:

I did use the stock exchange but just in the beginning really. I dont use it anymore.
I messed up as well and I had only 5k to start with, bought tunings as first thing out of habit, but well I managed to go up to 8kk in a a couple of gameplays and that went straight into creating microchip and crystal fab and what comes with it.

That of course took quite a lot of time to set up. I dont remember exactly what I was doing but mainly "killing missions" and when I was able to find "military transport missions" available was just great.
Once I got 12 millions just to transport troops! Usually much less but I dont complain when I see them!
And starting to train UTs...

--Anyway right now money is aproximately 30 kk at the moment fluctuating between 20 kk and 40kk. With quite a few of UTs flying around.

I am still focusing on expanding UTS and most importantly looking around for build missions.
Need to stimulate economy and is quite cool when you are making a solar power plant XL in Akeela Beacon and a oh a "build a crystal fab mission " in Akeela Beacon pops up.
So it comes up some good extracash. I usually either fly around while I play with logicstics and check around which missions are in the area.

--Most are rubbish. some are crazy? Have you ever heard of XTREME Tourist Tour? where you have to see ALL the Xenon Sectors in amount of 23min where for some strange reason their pilot is missing? That was the first time I saw difficulty level : Impossible. Made me chuckle.

--The Khaak Corvette was lying in the asteroid field in the South of Savage Spur (the unclaimed sector, though named) north of Yaki Territory at lower bottom of X universe map. I couldnt believe it when I saw it.
Is quite dangerous to yourself as well if is docked to a station you are docked to and you want to undock it can kill ya!
Didnt see ANY crates or any unclaimed ship however yet so far at all.

I had as well an issue with a pirate ship however a scout(harrier I think?). It was unkillable at 0% hull. After many tries I managed to bail it with a help of fighter drones + repair lasers. So I sent it to a shipyard and I sold it because it wasnt fair to have an unkillable useless scout and after days of playing I find out that IT was STILL at the shipyard piloted by unkown object but without a course. So stuck at the shipyard. Any ways to get rid of it? I tried to blew it up before when it was mine but it was always stuck at 0%hull.

And have you ever seen in asteroid belt a fleet of boron,argon ships,paranid and teladi ships attacking terran and atf ships?? Unfortunately for teladi one I had difficulties to go closer to it as it was 80kms away. (saw it with the video googles)

or an Unknown Object shaped like an UFO flying around?

ehm I got carried away.. what I was saying.. ah yes!

--The Stations I have at the moment are at following locations:
1 in Cloud Base north west with bogas where there is big demand of it apparently.
2 Silicon Mines in Aladna Hill
1 Solar Plant xl in Akeela Beacon with a Crystal Fab+Cahoona+Agnu Beef Complex
2 Ore Mines, 2 Silicon Mines, a big Wheat complex, Cahoona Bakery+Agnu Beef complex, a Crystal Fab,
a Mosquito Factory and Tomahawk Missile Factory. (that should be all :p)
In Power Circle I do have a Chip Plant, Scruffin Farm, Crystal Fab, Agnu x2 Complex, Wheat Farm, +Cahoona Bakery

The wheat originally was meant for space fuel distillery complex but I had to reload after I placed it when I ehm had the entire sector becoming red with a huge fleet of argon ships going after all my factories? erhm arent you busy with the war? Big grin

p.s. psssh where to build space weed complexes?


Seygantte avatar
Level badge Instruguey (13)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well, in my last game I built a self sufficient space weed complex in Ministry of Finance and called it Smokey's Drug Den. I prefer Teladi space, because they have no issue with space weed, and the local trade means that you needn't kit out the complex with freighters. The local sector trade will buy all your weed

ಠ_ರೃ My monocle and I disapprove ♋

Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hehe thanks Seygantte will give it a go today.
Had already thought about making them in a Teladi sector just couldnt decide where yet.

Not sure where to build Space Fuel either, the demand seems to be not as high as weed, or am I wrong?

And today I am gonna be working still on my big investment of crystal fab complex so I dont have to worry about supply of Crystal anymore. So far is going well.


Kirlack avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 11 years ago.

Fuel sells well Smile I normally build a mixed weed/fuel complex in one of the unknown or pirate sectors.

Madder than a Bastard on fathers day.
My DiDs: Peace(s) of Eight - Way of the Gun - Status: Online, A Xenon DiD

Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

Ok I finished working on my complex in Akeela Beacon http://tinyurl.com/mmj2hs2.
And I get silicon from 2 stations in Aladna Hill.
It looks quite a nice spaghetti dish. ...

Well Now I should be more self sufficient as this station provides energy for all of my other factories. I dont think completely but it should definitely help. I dont mind buying energy but is always nice to make it yourself.

Still floating around 20 millions and I am 97% of Capitalist Rank.

I am planning on looking around for more transport missions and perhaps create another complex.

hmm if you have spaceweed in one of your UTs or Spacefuel will the police shoot down your ships if they go to border or core sectors of a race where is illegal?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

It looks quite a nice spaghetti dish. ...

Most complexes are.. very few arent.

hmm if you have spaceweed in one of your UTs or Spacefuel will the police shoot down your ships if they go to border or core sectors of a race where is illegal?

Im pretty sure they will be attacked. I once had a large complex in lost order, which was fairly quiet. However a few days later it got attacked by the police. However when I went to kill them, more spawned and it just got worse.


Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

hmm that sounds quite problematic, I am not sure I want to lose so much reputation and effort but are the profitsss worth the risk?
and did they really follow you to a pirate sector? that I bet wasnt so great. Maybe Unknown sectors are better?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well spaceweed / Spacefuel are best when you dont have to transport them; ie. build a complex in a unknown sector / unclaimed sector (such as Freedom's reach). Then they sell like hot-cakes! 10+ spaceweed / Spacefuel stations cant keep up with demand.


Cachurro avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

Hi! I have 96 hours in this play and only one complex. It's in Spring of Belief, completely self-sufficient and produces Adv sats, Wasps, Hurricanes, hornets, Flails and 2x Hammers. I sell some spare majaglit, but the rest is mainly for my fleet. Smile


Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

Alright I will get some cash aside and I will start setting up some "things".

Well that is quite impressive cachurro, how many stations are in the complex?

I am still quite new to x3 in general


Cachurro avatar
Level badge Skillguey (7)
Posted 11 years ago.

It's 1 Solar Powerplant XL and as many other stations as it will support: 22 in total. Only 7 factories, because it also produces majaglit.
As a rule of thumb, for 10 factories you need 1 SPP XL, 2 Crystal L, 4 bio L, 4 food L, silicon mines worth 50 yield and ore mines worth 50 yield. Some factories use silicon, so you will need less ore and more silicon.
I try to build in packets of 10 factories (1 SPP) and place no more than 1 or 2 per system as that will reduce the FPS too much while visiting it.
I have been doing some math. The best ROI (return on investment) with average commodity prices are small missile factories (Mosquito, wasps: ROI = 8 hs) then medium missile factories (poltergeist, phantom, shadow,hammer, Flails: ROI=20-25 hs).The bio, food crystal and solar have awful ROI, but must be added eventually in order not to deplete local production and raise the commodity prices.
The Bliss Place (space weed) has a ROI of 46 hours, but can become 12 hours if buying commodities at the lowest price and selling at the highest.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 11 years ago.

Well that is quite impressive cachurro, how many stations are in the complex?

Well not really to be honest. 22 stations is kind-of small for a complex;


hehe, sorry for the long post Smile


Admetes avatar
Level badge Fightguey (6)
Posted 11 years ago.

At the moment I am playing with spaceweed complexes:

I made 10 bliss and 12 dream farm in Freedom Reach.
I made 2 bliss and 2 dream farm in Ministry of Finance
I am starting to build (so far is motly dream farms and 1 bliss factory) in the Xenon Hub sector.

Hilarious to see loads of couriers docking to the complex but they take only 2 spaceweed each Cry .
Is that normal that ships that are supposed to fill the atmosphere, like couriers, to see them dock at the spaceweed complex and buy some spaceweed? I guess they want to be high along the journey.

I am still testing how all this works out, but while doing so I created a huge gap in energy in 2 big race areas.
I think is time I should build more solar power plants to start filling the demand. Or shouldnt I? Some sectors the demand is 8 million energy and the supply is very very low.

The spaceweed are starting to give some money back but not as quick yet as I would like.

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