

Trueguey (22)

Oh, the Solar Eruption looks crazy.. to the point where its a bit over-powered?! It makes the destroyer very easy, even the Twins wernt much of problem for you. Being able to hit so many body parts puts you DPS into crazy numbers. I guess you werent really expecting much when you made it?

Cruguey (18)

Yeah I thought about it for a while and given that it is an absolute endgame weapon, it isn't too OP really. That little dragon thing is made from endgame materials also. It is extremely good as well. It works by summoning segments of the dragon so if you can have nine active followers, that is a pretty long dragon and very high DPS on its own.
It does have the issue of blocking your damage to mobs though. I think it is a prioritisation system in place. I know traps override any damage you do to mobs and it seems summons do too. It can be problematic in some situations, like fighting a single target boss where the dragon DPS is much lower than your main weapon. The only solution is to run a pure summoner build or get rid of the follower. A while back when the pumpkin moon was first added I noticed this effect with traps as well. If a mob is being damaged by traps then your weapon is useless.
It does have the issue of blocking your damage to mobs though. I think it is a prioritisation system in place. I know traps override any damage you do to mobs and it seems summons do too. It can be problematic in some situations, like fighting a single target boss where the dragon DPS is much lower than your main weapon. The only solution is to run a pure summoner build or get rid of the follower. A while back when the pumpkin moon was first added I noticed this effect with traps as well. If a mob is being damaged by traps then your weapon is useless.

Trueguey (22)

Ah, I guess if its an end game weapon then its understandable, after-all it would be very disappointing if it was lacking in power, as I know some of Terraria items can take awhile to acquire. The poor old Destroyer still doesnt catch much of break, making him look rather weak.
I guess now expert mode is fairly easy for you now? as I remember when I first got into hard-mode I struggled, until I found better equipment. Although it was hard to find the equipment, because I didnt have the equipment to start with.
Do you ever build traps or machines? ive never really looked into them.
I guess now expert mode is fairly easy for you now? as I remember when I first got into hard-mode I struggled, until I found better equipment. Although it was hard to find the equipment, because I didnt have the equipment to start with.
Do you ever build traps or machines? ive never really looked into them.

Cruguey (18)

Right now it feels like at the end of normal mode when you can simply destroy everything in sight. But the main difference is that you require warding modifiers along with tanking gear and buffs to make this happen. Thankfully I started farming potion materials early so that isn't an issue. But as mentioned before I got lucky and found the Seedler while fishing. If it wasn't for that it would have been much more difficult.
The events are still quite challenging though. I keep getting killed by the Martian Madness event. The UFO thing does a deathray attack that hits for 300+ damage at 95 defense. But that was before I had the Solar Eruption so next time I do it, I'll be able to kill it easily by hiding in my little spawn healing station thingy and hitting it.
I haven't messed around with machines really. The only thing I got right now is teleporters. One to the left ocean and one to the right jungle. I read you can change the orientation of traps with a hammer now but I don't know if that means you can point them upward or not, I hope so but I haven't tried it yet.
The events are still quite challenging though. I keep getting killed by the Martian Madness event. The UFO thing does a deathray attack that hits for 300+ damage at 95 defense. But that was before I had the Solar Eruption so next time I do it, I'll be able to kill it easily by hiding in my little spawn healing station thingy and hitting it.
I haven't messed around with machines really. The only thing I got right now is teleporters. One to the left ocean and one to the right jungle. I read you can change the orientation of traps with a hammer now but I don't know if that means you can point them upward or not, I hope so but I haven't tried it yet.

Trueguey (22)

Oh the Martian Madness event sounds really great, I guess you havnt got a recording of it? eek, 300 dmg with 95 defence. I guess on normal it would be a lot less although.
as for machines, im the same. Teleporters are very useful - although putting in the cabling is a bit boring - I guess they havnt done anything to improve the cable laying? That was one of my bug-bares. I never knew you could change the orientation of traps, so you place on the floor and shoot-up?
as for machines, im the same. Teleporters are very useful - although putting in the cabling is a bit boring - I guess they havnt done anything to improve the cable laying? That was one of my bug-bares. I never knew you could change the orientation of traps, so you place on the floor and shoot-up?

Cruguey (18)

They did give the wrench thingy and wire cutter more range. It doesn't seem to be affected by the item that increases block placement speed though.
Finally killed the Moon Lord on expert mode. Took a lot of attempts but in the end I settled on getting as much life regen and defense as possible. The Master Ninja Gear helped a lot because I wasn't wearing any boots that make you run fast. The bottom of the arena is made of asphalt so the dash lets you move at full speed instantly.
I have a version without the music but I haven't uploaded it. I can upload that one if the music on this is too much.
Finally killed the Moon Lord on expert mode. Took a lot of attempts but in the end I settled on getting as much life regen and defense as possible. The Master Ninja Gear helped a lot because I wasn't wearing any boots that make you run fast. The bottom of the arena is made of asphalt so the dash lets you move at full speed instantly.
I have a version without the music but I haven't uploaded it. I can upload that one if the music on this is too much.

Trueguey (22)

geez, I was wondering at the start if you were playing the same game - flying horses, alien things and that massive boss.. woh. It does look like v1.3 has a lot more end-game content than before. It makes the Golem look kind-of lame now.
Why were you teleporting around the boss? to stop some kind-of attack or something? I guess he's a lot harder without all the building work too. It looks like the Solar Eruption is the best weapon still? also, did you get any good loot from him.
damn, youre making me want to start Terraria again. Although start from the beginning again, on my own puts a bit of downer on it.
Why were you teleporting around the boss? to stop some kind-of attack or something? I guess he's a lot harder without all the building work too. It looks like the Solar Eruption is the best weapon still? also, did you get any good loot from him.
damn, youre making me want to start Terraria again. Although start from the beginning again, on my own puts a bit of downer on it.

Cruguey (18)

Why were you teleporting around the boss? to stop some kind-of attack or something? I guess he's a lot harder without all the building work too. It looks like the Solar Eruption is the best weapon still? also, did you get any good loot from him.
- Roguey
- Roguey
I used the teleporters to just to help avoid damage. Yea since it's a melee char I just used the solar eruption on him since it can hit through walls. Useful when attacking his head eye and the core. Otherwise I think I would have to be out in the open.
He did drop some type of gun but I just threw it in a chest and didn't even mess with it. It is supposed to be really good though like a mega-megashark. I still need to farm him for the ingots he drops but it should get a lot easier once I get the armor. Hopefully I don't have to kill him too many times to get that endgame yoyo for the achievement.

Proguey (12)

Terraria Linux and OSX Beta-version has been released. Seems to work fine on SteamOS.
Good to see more and more developers making their games for multiple platforms.
Good to see more and more developers making their games for multiple platforms.

Cruguey (18)

Ok I finally got all achievements this morning. Talk about a grind to 200 fishing quest. Here is what my spawn looks like. You can stand in the right tower on blood moons and be safe.

This is my deep dungeon teleport location. I found that in hollow spots like this, the biome changes to cave (or in this case granite) and cave mobs (again in my case granite mobs) will spawn until you leave the hollowed area. I decided to do this because on the surface if you attack the cultist it starts the moon lord event. I would rather just avoid that.

This is my artificial mushroom biome fishing area.

My favorite caverns fishing area.

I introduced corruption to this world and made a fishing area for lava and corruption fish, they have the rage potions that give 10% dmg boost. It is hard to see what is going on here but in the center of the lava there is a floating island to fish off of. On the left is a spot with deep water for fishing.
So I had the endgame mount for some time now, the Drill Containment Unit. It is quite good as you prolly expect. it makes it quite easy to isolate large chunks of ground then spray it with the clementinator. That is how I made the corruption biome. it is basically just a huge floating chunk of corruption. The caverns fishing area is also isolated the same way so it will never get corrupted. With the smart cursor it was trivial to wire up teleporters. I made a long tunnel from the left ocean to the left jungle (large world BTW) and used that to put the wires in.
Finally here is the map of the world.


Trueguey (22)

thanks for posting the pictures, its nice to see them.
When you said you can stand in the right tower and be safe, what's wrong with the left one?
looking at your map, I can see where you had tunnels through for the teleporters. So you have your main house to the left of those towers. at first I thought it was a prison ground - as the towers look like guard-towers.
Since reaching the end-game, do you find the Drill Containment Unit that useful? just that if yo reached the end point of the game, is there much to do?
When you said you can stand in the right tower and be safe, what's wrong with the left one?

looking at your map, I can see where you had tunnels through for the teleporters. So you have your main house to the left of those towers. at first I thought it was a prison ground - as the towers look like guard-towers.
Since reaching the end-game, do you find the Drill Containment Unit that useful? just that if yo reached the end point of the game, is there much to do?

Cruguey (18)

what's wrong with the left one?
- Roguey
- Roguey
It is too close to the house and NPCs start dying.
I thought it was a prison ground - as the towers look like guard-towers.
- Roguey
That is funny. I thought the same thing. My old base was actually in the air between the towers. I got tired of it and moved it over with the intention of building a new base between the towers. The towers aren't really far enough apart to build something decent without it being shoehorned in there and looking weird.
Since reaching the end-game, do you find the Drill Containment Unit that useful? just that if yo reached the end point of the game, is there much to do?
- Roguey
Really the only reason I kept playing was to get all the achievements. The DCU is just so good especially if you want to build endgame. You can summon that stardust dragon and a good light pet and just dig up anything you want/need. If you recall from a long time ago I build farming areas underground in the corruption/hallow like a dungeon of sorts. In 1.1 (when we started playing) the best tool was the Drax, in 1.2 the rocket launcher with rocket IVs was the best thing to use for clearing out large areas. BUt now the DCU is the top tool. What is really nice about it is that is creates smooth areas, what I mean is, it makes slopes and stuff automatically.
But to actually answer your question there isn't much to do other than build at the absolute end game.

Trueguey (22)

hmm.. so you built a giant prison for your NPC's, What's next, a giant firepit in the courtyard?
oh, and how do you use those towers? I dont see a teleporter pad at the bottom.
It does look like the new patch has added a lot of content although, a few times I was thinking you were playing another game altogether.

oh, and how do you use those towers? I dont see a teleporter pad at the bottom.
It does look like the new patch has added a lot of content although, a few times I was thinking you were playing another game altogether.
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