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tagos avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

Hi Roguey

Just seen you have set up this. Good news. :-)


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

hi there tagos Wave

yea this section has been open awhile but has been lacking posts.

So are you in the beta? or waiting for the full game?


tagos avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

I'm in the beta. Just got around to really getting to grips this weekend. It's great. Brings back all those good old memories of Elite and Frontier.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

Same for me too. I like having it online too - although I feel it needs expanding - as its hard to interact with people atm. Have you noticed quite a few NPC ships fly really oddly when entering/exiting the station?

What ship do you have? myself I had a type6 and just gone back to the cobra.


tagos avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

I'm in the Sidewinder still, just learning to play and experimenting with setups.

I'm using an old 12 button Saitek Evo but have a thrustmaster 16000 on the way from Amazon. It's cheap but has 16 buttons and watched a utube of a guy using it for ED. Looking to get TrackIR and Voice Attack at some point. (i'm old - I need all the advantages I can get. Smile )

I'm basically still scraping together a few hundred credits per trade run. Got about 9k atm. Looking to get a Hauler and work up to the good old Cobra.

Yea - seen the NPC ships. Keep finding them stuck in docking ports.

I'm enjoying just pottering around at the moment, getting to know how to fly properly. I was such a big fan of elite/frontier it's just great to be back in what is recognisably the same universe.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

Ah, thats the way I did it - trade away to the hauler, then go for the cobra. At the time I was trading Terrain Enrichment Systems between Aulin to i Bootis/Eranin. It seems they are no longer wanting them now. Per run I was making like 10-20,000cr, with the possibility of making a lot more if they were wanted on the BBS.

Although the Sidewinder is pretty good all-rounder to be honest - so I can understand why you are sticking to it.

Myself I dont tend to get on with joysticks, but favour the game-pad. I know some will think im mad, but I tend to use the gamepad more often, so im used to it.

I do like that the landing is manual still; as I feel auto-docking removes some of the immersion.


tagos avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

I do like that the landing is manual still; as I feel auto-docking removes some of the immersion.
- Roguey

But of course nothing beats the realism and thrill of poking around the outside of a station with the nose of your ship until you hit the one pixel on the screen that triggers a cut scene. And sadly ED is missing the essential 'crawl around ventilator shaft to indulge in petty thievery' and 'hunt the zombie' gameplay no self-respecting space sim franchise should be without. Nod


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

But of course nothing beats the realism and thrill of poking around the outside of a station with the nose of your ship until you hit the one pixel on the screen that triggers a cut scene. And sadly ED is missing the essential 'crawl around ventilator shaft to indulge in petty thievery' and 'hunt the zombie' gameplay no self-respecting space sim franchise should be without.
- tagos

True, you cant get that close to things at the moment - although werent they promising to add things like that? ie. walking around stations, landing on planets etc.? If I remmeber right, landing on planets is a DLC or something?


tagos avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 10 years ago.

Being sarcastic I'm afraid. Those features of rebirth had me threatening Steam until they gave me my money back. Elite is getting planetary landings and ship internals. I like that frontier seem that they say only what they can deliver. Looking forward to asps and exploration in beta 2. Now up to a Falcon and 2 gimballed pulse lasers. Can't seem to get the power to run level 2 weapons. But the t16 stick combined with voice attack is rather good.


Elsenor avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 10 years ago.

Hi fellas if any of you see Cmndr Jameson out there say hellow for me. Hi Tagos you say you are old try 72 years old I too need all the help I can get. What does anyone think of the TrackIR and what are the benefits of having it.
I have been informed that there are two types of camera which do you feel is better.

@Tagos. When you get your Thrustmaster let me know what you think of it and what you feel is good and not so good about it.
Thank you in advance.

@Roguey. Just been into your help with trading, its great Ishould make a fortune with this information.
Once again this is the best site ever, thank you.


[Roguey] Just combined posts into one.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 10 years ago.

@Elsenor I would of thought the name Jameson was reserved, unless you mean just generally say hello to Elite?

with regards of the trading info it depends how much its updated. Atm its fairly out-of-date but if its updated enough then could be useful.

ps. its always great hearing about a range of people here. Myself I like seeing a mix. You're not 72 years old, but 72 years young!


Elsenor avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 10 years ago.

72 yes, young I am not so sure. If you see the first elite say hello for me. I am waiting for the Mac version in March or April of 2015. Long wait.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

I'm waiting Linux/SteamOS version but unfortunately it is still uncertain if it will ever happen. I guess after PC and Mac versions they start to look forward to port game for consoles so I may have to wait a while ... Smile

Great to have yet another space game again.

Btw. has any of you tried E:D with Oculus Rift yet? How was it (amazing I'm quite sure Wink) ?


Elsenor avatar
Level badge Boneguey (9)
Posted 10 years ago.

Edge I know how you feel, its a pain. But keep up the hope high and it will come I hope.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Edge I know how you feel, its a pain. But keep up the hope high and it will come I hope.
- Elsenor

Sure, OSX support has been already announced - congrats Smile

Braben is sort of a Linux guy (http://www.raspberrypi.org/tag/david-braben/) and I'm sure he understand its value. In the other hand 1-2% market share is most likely not profitable for them so it is interesting to see what happens.


Orbot avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 10 years ago.

Braben is sort of a Linux guy (http://www.raspberrypi.org/tag/david-braben/) and I'm sure he understand its value. In the other hand 1-2% market share is most likely not profitable for them so it is interesting to see what happens.
- edqe

OK, I took the risk and bought Elite: Dangerous yesterday. I trust Braben and Frontier Development will make the Linux version.

It is going to be interesting which OpenGL version they are going to use.

Neil Trevett (NVIDIA): "OpenGL 4.4 is a superset of DX11"

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