Yeah I agree. It is a shame they released it in this state. If you look over the official boards it is either people defending the game to the death (ie: best thing EVER and adding anything would ruin it) or people wanting the game nerfed into oblivion.
I do agree that ED is a bit lacking at the moment. More content would definitely help, although some new features would also greatly help. I personally like to see better online connectivity (wings are coming soon, guilds, party system etc.), global events (a bit like GW2 system, where large wars/construction events happen), achievements, daily events/tasks, a plot, and maybe some kind-of boarding system. Although it does somewhat worry me that in the last news letter there was mention of paid content (which shouldnt be the focus in its current state ). New content by paid means would be very bad idea at this stage.
However the game is in a better state on launch than X-Rebirth, which doesnt take much I know.
Frontier do come across a bit money hungry - remember the 30th year cobra skin at £10?
Game forums are always a bit tricky. More bigger title and fanatic followers, the worse places they usually are Smile. Additionally, there seems to be some kind of "war" going on between E:D and SC fans and unfortunately it shows in the forums or news comment areas.
Well unfortunately you will get that on the official boards, which in a way is a good thing (people are passionate about the game). But sometimes a 3rd party sites can offer a much more open discussion on things. I really hate it when people going to war on a title, play both/neither/the one you like - problem solved. Its a shame that a few passionate people can ruin it for others.
Hopefully they will be adding the content soon.
I guess recently quite a few developers have lost their reputation promising things which never happen. According to David braben, its only the start. So more content should come, paid DLC would annoy a lot of people. Paid DLC would be fine later, when the game is much fuller.
I guess if you compare ED to one of the early elites, there is quite a lot of stuff missing (planet landings, ships, military missions?).
At the moment im working my way to an Imperial Clipper. Once I get that equipped, then ill probably play less if nothing much changes in the mean time. Adding a few more ships wont patch the gap of missing content.