So, how does it look? (and Hello)

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Omegauk avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 9 years ago.

Sooo....what do we all think of the Beta?
I haven't played it yet, just considering getting it, but it looks like an X game meets EVE/MMO.

And 'Helloo there Dearie'. Love the site Rouguey, my one stop shop for info on the X-series.
I've been with the X-universe through X-2,X3R, X3TC. Haven't got as far as AP or X:R yet.

Elite looks like the next thing on my shopping list, but to be honest, nothing I've played yet can compare to playing Tachyon:The Fringe when I was 10 years old.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

hi there Omegauk, welcome to the site Wave

as for Elite: Dangerous, it seems they have a solid base - with trading, fighting etc. however at the moment it feels like its missing a bit of content. What I mean is that you can go explore, trade etc. but after that it doesnt seem much to do. Atm the game is kind-of a money grind.

Hopefully this will change has we near the release date, with more things to do. Unfortunately planet landing wont be in the first release but will be added later on.

However, the game has a much more solid base than X-Rebirth! although on launch I could see the servers struggling - netcode is Frontier's weak point.

The online mode whilst good needs more work. However its got the potential to be something really good.


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