Hi Roguey
Is there a problem with the site atmo? I note that neither the Mk1 or Mk2 trade helper seem to be responding and the CSV Import thinks for a while before returning a "This page can't be displayed" error. Seemed to start yesterday evening ??.....
Update universe data
Board Index » Elite Dangerous » Update universe data
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
Conqoguey (21)
Conqoguey (21)
Perhaps Roguey is fixing some things atm.
Yesterday evening i dont get any "errors".
But when I tried just a moment ago the whole E:D universe section did not respond.
I dont want to imagine how hard it is to fix a running service on the fly
Yesterday evening i dont get any "errors".
But when I tried just a moment ago the whole E:D universe section did not respond.
I dont want to imagine how hard it is to fix a running service on the fly
Conqoguey (21)
Conqoguey (21)
Seems to be back on service
Trueguey (22)
Trueguey (22)
Very strange, I guess something happened to the server and made it go temporarily offline for a short amount of time. Hopefully its just a one off thing. I wasnt working on anything at the time btw.
Conqoguey (21)
Conqoguey (21)
When oldfella wrote this thread I tried it myself and gave up after roughly half an hour.
/elite-dangerous/ was working
elite-dangerous/universe/ were still not responding
posts (to this thread) were lagged(Site not responding), but after some more tries it was sent.
updates to those "blogs"(site not responing) were impossible
Without your site E:D is unplayable for me now..
YOU are to be blamed I had to play s.th. else until now
/elite-dangerous/ was working
elite-dangerous/universe/ were still not responding
posts (to this thread) were lagged(Site not responding), but after some more tries it was sent.
updates to those "blogs"(site not responing) were impossible
Without your site E:D is unplayable for me now..
YOU are to be blamed I had to play s.th. else until now
Tropguey (5)
Tropguey (5)
Whilst trying to update a few systems using the CSV importer, now
the Trade Helper can't seem to locate any systems (Sol, Valda
the Trade Helper can't seem to locate any systems (Sol, Valda
Proguey (12)
Proguey (12)
Hi Roguey - I'm with DHLF on this one. Without your site ED is unplayable - and as a result I had to go out shopping with the wife What a way to spend a Saturday afternoon Right now I haven't told her that the site appears to be having a few niggles as Kablooie has pointed out - otherwise she'll want me to hang some pictures! Nooooooooooo...... ( )
Tropguey (5)
Tropguey (5)
Nuts, it's back to it's "Cannot locate any system" issue >
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