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Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

hi guys been playing xgames for a few years. Finally got elite from steam for 12 bucks I think. Differently a lot diffent . Finally got docking down I think. any how open to idea on suggestions on what to do lot different then xgames hope to play for many hours. Thanks roguey for this


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

Indeed Elite is more focus about a single ship, rather than multiple ships and a empire. I am glad you got docking sorted quickly; has its something quite complex for newcomers (which you will need to know). Later on you can get a docking computer to make things easier.

As for things todo, well you got a few choices (in order of money making);

- Trading (which isnt the most exciting but its trading),
- Fighting (add an kill warrant scanner for extra money, riskier),
- Taking on missions on the bulletin board (good for newcomers),
- Exploration (go off the map looking for things no-one else has seen before),
- CQC (your deathmatch style gameplay for when you want something different todo),

I dont suggest mining, as its relative low profit compared to everything else but you enjoy that, then why not?


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

How do i get the trade helper?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 9 years ago.

How do i get the trade helper?
- Scott

Near the top of the page click on "Elite: Dangerous" then under that click "Trade Helper"... or click this link: Roguey's Elite: Dangerous Trade Helper


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

Ok sorry i was thinking something like the trade extension in x games


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 9 years ago.

Ok sorry i was thinking something like the trade extension in x games
- Scott

It isn't a problem! I wish they had something like that but really it would make it too easy.


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

How do i get illeagel goods on board a station?. Tried to land with a escape pod stolen i found. Station would let me land.Droped pod and recived docking permission. Was it a time thing or did it scan ship?


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

How do i get illegal goods on board a station?

To sneak illegal goods onto a station you should use silent mode (you may have to bind a hotkey, in the control's list). When getting in range of the station, use silent mode and try to land. If you hear scan detected, then exit the game before you get fined. The retry until you get the goods pass security. You may need to disable silent mode for a few seconds, to lower your heat level (as it will increase the longer youre in it).


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

Can you steal a ship in space? Or get a piolt to bail


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 9 years ago.

Can you steal a ship in space? Or get a piolt to bail
- Scott

No. You can shoot the cargo hatch and the ship will drop its goods for you to collect. Or you can pirate players. But no you can't make people eject from their ship for you to steal.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

Can you steal a ship in space? Or get a piolt to bail
- Scott

I have noticed in Horizons there is an option to board ship when in the SRV. However I dont know what that does. I think its just for taking cargo, and not the actual ship.


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

ok thanks. next question is there a site i can look to see what all the options are? each shield reactor gun things like this and where each ship yard is and what ships they make?


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 9 years ago.

Elite: Dangerous Wiki


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

ok guys got another question,I am trying to keep all in same thread as I am new to game. for some reason it shows me as cmdr cm I think can i change that would like to be something else thanks


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 9 years ago.

for some reason it shows me as cmdr

nope, everyone is a commander of his/her ship. Just think of it as Mr/Mrs sort-of.


Scott avatar
Level badge Specoguey (14)
Posted 9 years ago.

ok another question. will there be a way for a second ship to do work for you? like in xgames. though about having a hauler set up for minning just to see if it is worth it , but would have to leave my viper docked

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