Is anyone having this problem with new update?
Board Index » Elite Dangerous » Is anyone having this problem with new update?
Rookiguey (4)
Rookiguey (4)
They removed the engineer upgrades and the guns blazing after scanning
Fightguey (6)
Fightguey (6)
Good evening MacRaven. I think I have read the post you mentioned however if you hear a whooshing sound its the whole thing going over my head, does it mean the demented s,o,b that took me out the other day will not be back if so great!!! could you or anyone else clarify for me please and nerfing whats that?? please excuse dumb questions Mike Out
Cruguey (18)
Cruguey (18)
That is what I gathered from it as well.
Boneguey (9)
Boneguey (9)
Well the SOB that took you out the other day, will be back but he will not have unlimited Rail gun ammo and the best upgrade on his multicannons,thrusters Ect...,that being said he will be just as smart and will try to get on you 6 anyway he can to take you out."Nerfing" is just this,"they" Elite dangerous has toned down the AI equipment/Moduels so they are not one or two shoting Commanders.I hope this was helpful
Well the SOB that took you out the other day, will be back but he will not have unlimited Rail gun ammo and the best upgrade on his multicannons,thrusters Ect...,that being said he will be just as smart and will try to get on you 6 anyway he can to take you out."Nerfing" is just this,"they" Elite dangerous has toned down the AI equipment/Moduels so they are not one or two shoting Commanders.I hope this was helpful
Fightguey (6)
Fightguey (6)
Thanks MacRaven that does help with my battered confidence. I don't mind being in punch up so long as its a fair fight like I said to Sinxar above we have to get bigger and better but if they have an-beatable edge then thats not a fair go. So does all this mean I get to claim the 800k and 70 odd tons of gold back from the insurance company OK who said in your dreams PAL Mike out
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