Attempting to find...

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konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

I have been using this website to find a 5A or higher fuel scoop and a 6A or higher rated FSD for almost a week. I am going by the statistics which were updated at most a day, and everytime I jump to the system(s) that were listed as a possible seller of said modules, nothing even close to a 5A Fuel Scoop or a 6A FSD are in stock. I don't understand. The best I have found are a 5A FSD and a 3A Fuel Scoop. Why do the devs make it nearly impossible to find high quality modules? Maybe the Sol system has such modules.. the problem is, I do not yet have a permit. Which is fine, because I only really enjoy exploring the galaxy. Lol, I went to Sagittarius A* and back with a Cobra MKIII with a fuel scoop that only scooped, at max, 60 or so units per sec and an FSD that had a max jump range of 22.6Ly. Needless to say, you could imagine how long that took. It really tested my patience. Of course, I now have an Asp Explorer, and I have a 5A FSD and a 3A scoop. Obviously, I need something much more effecient, at least a 6A FSD and a 5A fuel scoop.

One thing I don't understand if why Frontier wants people to search blindly for decent modules for days and days. They could at least add a feature which would allow G-dawgz liek myself to use an in-game search engine to find such difficult to locate gear..

This is really testing my patience, flying to almost every system within the bubble to find a good FSD and fuel scoop so I can expand my exploring to new heights. I've used the nifty search engine on this website countless times.. to no avail, my friends. I've also used the filter in my galaxy map to filter out everything but high-tech, or industrial systems, and filtered out small populations. Why is it so hard to find these modules? It's absolutely ridiculous.

Love and Crinklestarz,

BiG KoN oK BuY LoL


Gomorragh avatar
Level badge Stickguey (8)
Posted 7 years ago.

The game has a demand mechanic, so sometimes stations sell out of modules, can be a pain at the times, sometimes changing wether in stock or not by the hour, the place i know i originally set my asp up was altair solo orbiter, but that was pre supply and demand.

Cmdr Gomorragh - Stares at players, just waiting ......

konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

The game has a demand mechanic, so sometimes stations sell out of modules, can be a pain at the times, sometimes changing wether in stock or not by the hour, the place i know i originally set my asp up was altair solo orbiter, but that was pre supply and demand.
- Gomorragh

Thanks. Heh, I have been there, just as I have been to seemingly every place in the bubble. I'm going crazy! lol


konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

I seem to still be unable to find a 5A fuel scoop *and* an 6A FSD. I have seriously been to almost every system except Sol and Sirius, because I lack a permit to these systems. I do not understand. I've been looking at the most up-to-date statistics on this website and I really don't see why I can't find these modules. It's almost like the second they are in stock, someone buys all of them. I wish I got back to the bubble before the supply and demand update. This is ridiculous. I think what they should do is have an in-game search engine where one can look up a specific module or commodity, and it would report the stations they are present in. I guess I'll go back to Solo Orbiter and see if it is present. I don't have high hopes, though. Thanks for the help, Commander Gomorragh. If you do see these modules in a station by chance, could you send me a PM? I've been searching in circles for like at least a week or more. It shouldn't be *this difficult to find these modules. I plan on going on another large exploration trip, and a 3A fuel scoop still takes too long lol.


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 7 years ago.

What are you flying again? An Asp Explorer can only fit a class 5 FSD. You want a class 6 scoop (or class 6 shields for combat). There is a 6A in Neto at Citroen Hub. I did look briefly for a 5A scoop but didn't see any in the two places I looked.


konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

What are you flying again? An Asp Explorer can only fit a class 5 FSD. You want a class 6 scoop (or class 6 shields for combat). There is a 6A in Neto at Citroen Hub. I did look briefly for a 5A scoop but didn't see any in the two places I looked.
- Sinxar

I didn't know that. Thanks! I will look!

Unfortunately, when I arrived at the station, there was not one avaialable. Thanks for the help--I appreciate the thought, and the help. Ugh. Then again, I would have been unable to purchase the 6A scoop, since I have 25mill. I believe a class 6A cost around 28mill or so. I will keep looking while I make a few million. Seriously, I truly appreciate it.

- KoN


konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

I'm starting to wonder if it's my client. Is it possible to filter out specific classes of modules? Maybe there is a filter in place, which would be weird considering I've never filtered anything out (I don't even know how to filter out modules)


Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 7 years ago.

Unfortunately, when I arrived at the station, there was not one avaialable.
- konstunner

I just checked. I can assure you it is there:

So that only leaves one thing. Make sure you are selecting the correct slot to install the module into. A class 5 cargo rack is there by default. It will never show you modules that will not fit in that slot (the reason why you can't find a C6 FSD).


konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

Unfortunately, when I arrived at the station, there was not one avaialable.- konstunner

I just checked. I can assure you it is there:

So that only leaves one thing. Make sure you are selecting the correct slot to install the module into. A class 5 cargo rack is there by default. It will never show you modules that will not fit in that slot (the reason why you can't find a C6 FSD).
- Sinxar

That's really weird. Does the fact that I already have a 3A fuel scoop affect my ability to see anything above that?
Oh, sorry. I thought I was using the correct slot. lol. Now I read more of your post, and I see I must use a cargo rack slot. Thanks. No wonder... lol, I feel stupid. I really appreciate that info!



Sinxar avatar
Level badge Cruguey (18)
Posted 7 years ago.

Not a problem. It isn't the first time this has come up. While I appreciate the changes they made to the outfitting screen, it could still use a lot of work.


konstunner avatar
Level badge Tropguey (5)
Posted 7 years ago.

Not a problem. It isn't the first time this has come up. While I appreciate the changes they made to the outfitting screen, it could still use a lot of work.
- Sinxar

Yeah, I agree.


Roguey avatar
Level badge Trueguey (22)
Posted 7 years ago.

While I appreciate the changes they made to the outfitting screen, it could still use a lot of work.
- Sinxar

Yea, it was a very confusing before. Its got a lot better now. I think they improved it a little more in v2.2. Trouble is I dont know how it looks in v2.1 any-more lol. been playing v2.2 beta rather than v2.1 for awhile.


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