Thinking about getting Elite Dangerous...

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ageilmelo avatar
Level badge Rookiguey (4)
Posted 1 year ago.

I've been contemplating about getting Elite for a long time now but it looks a bit intimidating and many of my questions have gone unanswered on reviews I've read.

I'm more of play 1 game for a long time type of guy but unsure if Elite is really a game worth sinking lots of time into. So I would just like to know what the game is about and what you can do in it. router login 192.168.l.l
I'm also unsure about the game if griefing is a problem because I've seen a lot of comments talking about it. I don't really have a problem with greifing in games but in a game like this... I'm not really sure

Either way this post will probably be unanswered but that's ok.


Bazr avatar
Level badge Proguey (12)
Posted 1 year ago.

i will have a go, just so your post is answered and you will be happy lol.

In my opinion your reason for playing a game is exactly the same as mine viz. get a good one you enjoy and play it for a long time.

Atm the games I play are ED and lately Elden Ring...both these games fit the bill for me.

I am still enjoying ED even after a couple of years.

The depth of the game is enormous with many different paths to take..and as with a game worth keeping, the learning curve is a bit more than the usual game that you can finish in a week. so you have to have some patience initially.

As far as gankers are concerned there is the option to either play online,just with friends, or solo the offline mode.

It is obviously a space simulator type with open ended playstyle such as trader, miner,fighter...including foot combat on ground stations, smuggler and pirate role, and more that I cannot think of atm...too tired.

It is on console but the bonus on pc is that there are addons that make the game better...such as voice attack which enables voice commands ...this is brilliant with VR.

enough from me

any questions I would be happy to answer as I check in here every so often...also Roguey is very heipful and knows quite a bit about the game.

all the best.


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